However, as tedious as the chore of cleaning windows can be, making an effort to keep them sparkling is important and beneficial for you and your family. Consider the following reasons why window cleaning will make your life better.
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How to choose the perfect pool table for you
A good quality pool table is an expensive investment that should be made wisely. Make sure you ask the right questions and know what to look for when choosing a pool table for your family or recreation room.
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Frameless balustrades
Frameless balustrades are aesthetic can can add a really nice look to your house, but they can be a bit on the expensive side
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Floods - What to do?
All South African rivers experience flooding at one time or another. The potential for flood damage is particularly high where there is development on low-lying, flood-prone lands.
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Why do Showers Leak
A leaking shower not only does damage to your house, it can cause unwanted smells, damage to surrounding areas, dampness and attract insects and other pests that enjoy moisture.
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Benefits of Custom made Furniture
Some people do not use their sitting area as much as others, this would mean it would be normal to buy ready made furniture. For those who have specific needs and want for their comfort, a custom made piece of furniture is the answer.
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Doing a job in a high place on your property can be very tricky when struggling with a ladder. if the need has called for a new plan scaffolding is your best bet. This, if used properly and safely, can be a very large benefit to your need to get to those high spots safely.
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Drawings should be put in place inspected by an assessor and be approved before any project starts. Building an illegal, foreign or not recognised structure by the municipality is totally unacceptable, free advice must be given to consumers of the services and products.
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Clothes Dryers
When you are wanting to do your weekly or half weekly washing it can be a hassle hoping that the weather will suit your needs. This is why clothes dryers machines and indoor hangers have been designed for the most efficient and quick dry possible.
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The Importance of Access Control Systems in Residential Security
Explore the vital role of access control systems, security beams, and alarms in fortifying residential security, essential for homeowners and renovators seeking to protect their South African properties.
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Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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Shedding Light on Security
Discover how to enhance home security with various lighting options.
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Bedroom furniture: Choosing a bedframe for a good night’s sleep
Having a comfortable bed is a must if you want a good night’s sleep and an energy-filled day. That’s why putting in extra effort when choosing the perfect bed frame for your mattress and linen is well worth it.
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Refrigerators and Freezers
There are many options to choose from when it comes to settling on which design, function or model of refrigerator or freezer you want. Use this guide to make sure you consider all the most important aspects of this central kitchen element before you make a purchase. Refrigerators can be either freestanding or integrated into the surrounding cupboard space. Making the choice b
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Interior Design
There are no set guidelines to designing a room, there is only a creative outlook that people have to imagine before it is together. There are however a few tips and ideas that can help add the look that you want to your room.
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Safety tips for handling paint
Painting your home, or even giving one room a colourful makeover, can be a fun and creative activity the whole family can join in on.
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