Paving vs. Concrete: Making the Right Choice for Your Home Improvement Project
Explore the pros and cons of paving and concrete to decide which is best for your South African home improvement project.
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Wrought Iron Fencing
Wrought iron gates are the height of Old World beauty. Their classic appearance and long lasting durability have made them the choice of many people throughout the ages. You can now also have one in your home with the help of professionals and a little DIY.
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Window Installation
When positioned correctly you will receive optimum ventilation and lighting while still maintaining security, safety and privacy.
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Hot Water System Installation
Hot water systems are an integral part of our homes and with a little tender loving care can perform perfectly for years. To install it is highly recommended to hire an expert and to ask for advoce for the best suited system in your house
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The lmportance Of Business Security
Take into account premises design and layout to correctly identify and manage security threats.Assess the building layout and design in your business security plan whether the building was designed specifically for your business or not ,also the placement of entry and exits for easy monitoring by staff
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What is the difference between Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid solar systems?
Africa municipalities are currently buying electricity from homeowners at a lower rate than selling it to them.
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Bagging or rendering: which one is for you?
One of the best ways to update the exterior appearance of your home is through bagging or rendering.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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What is Composite and what is it used for?
There is so much to say about Wood that an essay could be written and still not have covered everything
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Palisades and Security Fencing
Having security in your home is always very important when you move into your first property. Palisade fencing although quite expensive is a very safe and reliable options. Although it is recommended to get it installed it can be done with some hard work alone.
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Roller Doors
Old Garage doors can cause more problems and safety hazards then most people think, so maybe it time to install a new door with a torsion spring and do-it-yourself tensioning. Installing a new, double garage door yourself will save you several hundred dollars and should take eight to 12 hours if you’re fairly handy.
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Ceiling Fans
One investment to consider is the ceiling fan. A ceiling fan will ensure that you are calm, cool and collected throughout the warmer seasons
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Selecting the Perfect Security System for Your Home
Learn how to choose the perfect security system for your home and ensure optimal protection.
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Preliminary steps to take once you’ve decided to build
Whether you’re building a home from the ground up, or are embarking on a remodelling project, there are some vital simple steps to making sure your vision for your home gets fulfilled with as little stress and as much satisfaction for you as possible.
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Wallpaper Cleaning
Test out a small patch of wallpaper with a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and water to see if it is suitable for washing.
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Outdoor Lighting
Having a people over for a gathering always means there will be some outside mingling and chatting, whether its on your Veranda or in the garden. This means that you will need to have some efficient outdoor lighting that will last and add lots of aesthetic to your garden.
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Painting Your Home
Many people assume that professional painters just slap some paint on a brush and get to work, but that just isn’t true.
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