A basic guide for home security alarm systems
A home security alarm system is necessary for ensuring you have peace of mind about the safety of your family and your property. With so many options on the market, buying the right home security system for your needs can be a challenge. Familiarize yourself with this simple guide to ensure you invest in a system that suits your needs:
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Garden Fences
Fences are a vital part of the modern home. We install fences for two reasons; to keep things in and to keep things out
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Paving vs. Concrete: Making the Right Choice for Your Home Improvement Project
Explore the pros and cons of paving and concrete to decide which is best for your South African home improvement project.
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Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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Wooden Gates
Whether you're looking for a delicate garden doorway or a large driveway gate, wooden gates are an appealing option.
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Bathroom Plumbers
Every bathroom needs to be taken care of properly so that everyone in your house is safe from getting sick. If your bathroom is cleaned properly and regularly there should be no problems.
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Top tips for reusing food waste from your kitchen
Leftovers, expired bread, and vegetable and fruit peels. The amount of waste produced by the average kitchen, which is normally thrown away, can be alarming, especially when one considers that all this waste can still be useful.
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Renovating and Building a Bathroom
Bathroom renovation can be great fun and add immense value to your home. It is one of the most important rooms in your home and is always a great way to bring a tired and outdated bathroom back to life. As one of the most valuable rooms in the house, a well designed and built bathroom will serve the needs of you and your household for years to come!
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Types of Air Conditioners
Air conditioners certainly provide comfort for those living in harsh climatic environments. South Africa certainly is one of these.
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Palisades and Security Fencing
Having security in your home is always very important when you move into your first property. Palisade fencing although quite expensive is a very safe and reliable options. Although it is recommended to get it installed it can be done with some hard work alone.
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Pick the perfect patio doors for your home
Patio doors are a versatile housing implement that can come in sliding, French, bi-fold or swinging designs.
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How to Work with a Blinds Contractor on a Budget: Cost-Saving Tips
Learn how to work with Blinds Contractors & Services on a budget. From choosing cost-effective materials to leveraging discounts and DIY efforts, discover practical strategies to save money while transforming your home with stylish window treatments in South Africa.
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Bamboo Flooring
Its plants are the biggest members of the grass family, the largest of which can reach 1300 feet in height. There are over 1550 species of bamboo on earth and which are found in Australia, Asia, North and South America and Southern Africa.
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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Sub Floor ventilation
All houses or cottages have some type of Sub floor ventilation, it is important to keep an eye out and to make sure that there is not a safety or health hazard that could happens. It is usually very noticeable and should not be too expensive or hard to fix.
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Recycling in the Home
I have no doubt that most people reading this article will have a basic understanding of the concept of recycling
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Fire damage how to go forward
If your home has suffered fire damage, knowing the correct steps to take both immediately and a few days after the fire can save you a lot of stress and expense. Here are some easy tips on what to do immediately after a fire has occurred on your property in order to minimise the damage and make the restoring process easier and more effective:
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