DIY Roof Repair vs. Hiring a Roofing Specialist
Unauthorised access to your roof is dangerous. You might fall from the roof, damage your roof tiles etc.
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Portable and Temporary Carports
Portable garages, also known as temporary or instant garages, are portable structures designed to provide shelter for vehicles, equipment, or other items
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If you’re selling your property, then consider this …
Have someone with a fresh pair of eyes, point out areas of your home that need work and consider the following.
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Split air conditioner system: an energy efficient and affordable alternative
During hot summer seasons, air conditioners are a must to keep your home cool and fresh. For effective control of your home’s internal temperatures, a split air conditioner is a viable consideration that has the benefit of being unobtrusive and subtle.
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A simple guide to artificial grass
Artificial grass is an increasingly popular substitute for natural vegetation. Artificial grass had the benefit of requiring less maintenance than its natural counterpart and keeps a vibrant green colour all year round. For family members with sensitive skin or allergies to natural grass, artificial grass is also an advantageous choice. Here are some of the most popular types of artificial grass to consider if you plan to invest in artificial grass:
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Get roof repairs done in Cape Town before winter arrives!
It’s well worth your while to chat to the friendly team of roofing specialists at Empire Roofing if you suspect there may be trouble up above! You could save yourself a lot of time and money by getting to the root of any roofing issues before they become major problems!
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Sliding Doors
Having a sliding door can introduce lots of light and air into your chosen living space, this can be a very important job as you want the door that will best suit your needs and gives your house the look you want. selecting the ideal materials and understanding how they may affect the door’s performance are important first steps.
Read moreCleaning Procedure for Sealed Tiles and Surfaces
The following procedure should be followed for all newly sealed tiles and/or for tiles that have been sealed previously and needs routine cleaning.
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Bliss Waterproofing
Torch on waterproofing is the system used mostly to seal the concrete slab roof, concrete slab balconies, fish ponds, Basement and many more.
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Wire Balustrades
Having wire balustrades is a great look for anyone's home, the next step is making sure you keep the look you have wanted through all the seasons. Here are a few tips to making sure your doing the best maintenance for your home.
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Your first building experience?
While you do want the best quality construction, you also want to ensure that every cent you spend is delivering value
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Wallpaper Cleaning
Test out a small patch of wallpaper with a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and water to see if it is suitable for washing.
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Understanding the basics of concreting
Concrete is a central building implement to home improvement and construction. It is, therefore, important for homeowners to be knowledgeable about what constitutes good quality concrete and how concrete should be correctly used to get the best value for money.
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PSG Insure
With Spring in the air and the weather improving, many of us will be thinking of getting fit for the warmer months.
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Contemporary furniture styles through the ages
Contemporary furniture has a long history of development and has evolved from the start of the 20th century to give homeowners over two centuries of design to choose from. If you are interested in investing in contemporary style furniture, it is important to familiarise yourself with what exactly ‘contemporary’ entails. Check out this list of landmark contemporary developments to guide your home design and find the era that works for you:
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Best Televisions and Screens
Your baby will probably spend more time in the nursery than anywhere else, so that room needs to be safe. Choosing your baby room furniture is one of the most important first steps you will need to take when designing your child's room.
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Coating Materials
Coating materials are extremely varied, from paints and varnishes to vinyl plastic coatings. The advantages of coating materials include the following; Protection, insulation, safety (non slip coatings) and of course visual enhancement.
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