Cupboards and Wardrobes
Drawers and pull out racks are a good idea to include in your design. Suppliers of cupboards and wardrobes should offer a good quality product and service.
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Cleaning Service
When your work life becomes too time consuming and your house starts to build up a bit too much dust, a cleaning service can come in handy at these times. There are many different kinds of services that are up for offer. These are there to suit your time schedules and needs.
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Make your home bar the best in town
Building a home bar is one of the best ways to establish a central hub in your home where family and friends can gather to socialise. Home bars make entertaining guests that much easier and enable one to effortlessly host social events without having to spend all your time in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks. Follow these top tips to ensure your home bar is the best in town:
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Tree cutting
When fixing up our gardens it is always a scary job to cut down a tree, if you don't want to hire a professional there is a way to do it with some help and a few appliances to make the job easier. Be cautious when doing the job as one mistake could cause injury but if done correctly can be a very smooth job.
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What Countertop Colour Looks Best with White Cupboards?
Keep in mind that black is another non-colour and you might find the kitchen too drastic for your liking
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Book Cases and Cabinets
Whether modern or traditional, there is a suprisingly diverse range of options to choose from when it comes to installing book cases or cabinets in your home
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Metal Fabrication and welding
Metal fabrication and metal welding, are two distinct processes. Metal fabrication refers to the process of making a final project from metal, whereas welding is a specific type of operation that can be done to metal in the fabrication process.
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Creating More Space in Your South African Home: A Guide for Homeowners and Renovators
Renovate your South African home to unlock hidden space and transform it into your dream sanctuary.
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Organic Pest Control: Keep bugs out, the natural way
Before using chemicals to rid your garden of pests, consider using natural pest control, which is safer for your garden, yourself and your family.
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When you suspect that your geyser has burst, the first thing you need to do is to switch off the water supply
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Outdoor Lighting
Having a people over for a gathering always means there will be some outside mingling and chatting, whether its on your Veranda or in the garden. This means that you will need to have some efficient outdoor lighting that will last and add lots of aesthetic to your garden.
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Reinventing your space
Before choosing a colour, look at your space and find a shade that works best with the other accents in the room.
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Centurion Pool & Rock Design
Swimming Pools are not cheap – if a quote is well below the average: Be ware
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Generators: providing peace of mind for your power-source
A home generator can mean the difference between enduring a total blackout during power cuts, and having a second option when electricity is no longer available.
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Moreover, inadequate draining and cracking concrete are also evident. Cement, bricks, concrete, wood, etc. are the most common raw materials of Indian houses. Older houses have older bricks and mortars exposed to temperature fluctuations and moisture years after years.
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Recycling in the Home
I have no doubt that most people reading this article will have a basic understanding of the concept of recycling
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