A common risk is the construction/ addition of unauthorized building structures which may add to the structural burden
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Pest Control prevention
Pests can really change the mood for a picnic or a Sunday Breakfast, one thing your enjoying a nice sweet snack and the next your swiping away flies and ants from your meal. There a few things that you can do to try and prevent this from happening.
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Old buildings in their glorious times boast of beautifully crafted window panes, blinds, door panels, etc
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Kitchen design: the finishing touches
In designing a kitchen, the main items one initially focuses on are the cabinetry and counter top style or finish. However, what about the finer details?
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Garden Fences
Fences are a vital part of the modern home. We install fences for two reasons; to keep things in and to keep things out
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Construction Inspection
All building foundations should be compacted to engineer's MODASHTOO spec and fumigated by qualified pest controller as to avoid any foundations/ structural defects in future
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Sliding Doors
Having a sliding door can introduce lots of light and air into your chosen living space, this can be a very important job as you want the door that will best suit your needs and gives your house the look you want. selecting the ideal materials and understanding how they may affect the door’s performance are important first steps.
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Landscape design for beginners
Designing your garden can be an exciting and challenging task, but also a daunting one. If you’re unsure of how to begin, but want to make your garden an expression of your own creativity, consider following these tips to start off your garden design adventure.
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A basic guide for home security alarm systems
A home security alarm system is necessary for ensuring you have peace of mind about the safety of your family and your property. With so many options on the market, buying the right home security system for your needs can be a challenge. Familiarize yourself with this simple guide to ensure you invest in a system that suits your needs:
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Common Automatic sprinkler problems
Having an automatic sprinkler in your garden can be a very convenient way to keep up with watering the plants without having to plan it in the schedule of your everyday life. But they do not come without their own problems.
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Protecting Your Home: Essential Fire Prevention Equipment
When it comes to protecting your home and loved ones from the devastating effects of Fire, having the right equipment and safety measures in place is essential
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Bathroom cabinets and cupboards
Wall-mounted bathroom cabinets are a wonderful way to save space in your bathroom, reduce clutter, and store personal items out of the way, these can be selected from a variety of choices based on size and shape. Normal bathroom cupboards have the same option and are installed in a very similar fashion.
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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If you are like most parents across the country, you probably are familiar with the idea of dragging your children (kicking and screaming) away from their beloved television screens.
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Having a garden or outdoor area at home is made all the more enjoyable when you find the perfect canopy for protection from the elements and can appreciate your garden-come rain or shine. Without shade protection, a beautiful garden, pool or patio set may lose its appeal on those sweltering summer days when sun protection and a break from the heat is needed. Garden canopies can be a wonderfully aesthetic and practical solution to this problem as they protect any outdoor space and can form a fu
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