Clothes Dryers
When you are wanting to do your weekly or half weekly washing it can be a hassle hoping that the weather will suit your needs. This is why clothes dryers machines and indoor hangers have been designed for the most efficient and quick dry possible.
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Swimming Pool Cleaning
There’s nothing worse than a murky, green swimming pool. Keeping your’s clean this season is certainly worth it if you want a cool, clean place to dip and relax all summer long. Read through our guide on how to keep your swimming pool blue and beautiful. Firstly, it is important to understand why your pool goes green. The unpleasant green colour is attributed to algae which are visible because of their vivid green pigment; called chlorophyll. The more algae multiply in your pool water, the greener it will be. Ele
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Fire Door Regulations in South Africa: What Homeowners Need to Know
Understand South Africa's fire door regulations to ensure your home is safe and compliant. Learn about ratings, installation, and maintenance. Protect your family by investing in quality fire doors for your property.
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Maximizing Solar Energy Efficiency: Tips for Optimizing Your Solar Power System
Learn how to optimise your solar power system for peak performance and energy savings with expert tips tailored for homeowners in South Africa.
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Deck mould and mildew: how to keep your deck fungus free
Deck mould is not only an aesthetic problem, it is also a sign of decomposition in your deck and can cause the wooden panels to weaken over time and possibly cave in, which poses a threat to family members using the deck.
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Window Cleaning and Repairs
Most window cleaning companies clean interior and exteriors windows, including fly screens, skylights, stained glass, window sills, removal of scratches, remove cobwebs, clean and repair flyscreen’s, clean gutters, and pressure washing.
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Glass Bricks: an innovative construction solution
Glass bricks, or glass blocks, are a product used in construction made with glass. The idea for glass bricks was introduced in the early 1900s when a need arose to have natural light in buildings.
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The best gym equipment for at-home fitness
When there’s so much to choose from in terms of home gym equipment, it can be hard to decide on what works for you.
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Skips Bins
Sometimes it is beneficial to invest in a skip bin for your home or business. Although they do take a lot of space they also have lots of benefits to having around that will make you forget you even needed the extra space.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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A guide to popular window designs
Windows are a vital part of any home design for both practical and aesthetic reasons. Windows express your design tastes through colour choice, shape, tint, and size, but are also an important source of natural light and fresh air. Here is a list of eight of the most popular window designs to consider when you are planning your dream home.
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Colour Consultants
As a client, you should be ready to show your Colour Consultant personal artifacts such as fabric, rugs and other décor items that will help them understand you as a person.
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Concrete Kerb Builder
Concrete kerbs are always a great way to provide a lovely stylish border in your landscape, helping to define garden beds as well as keeping different elements of the garden separate!
Read more5 Questions To Ask Your Waterproofing Contractor
Waterproofing can be a very costly but worthwhile investment if done by professional waterproofing contractor companies.
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Introduction to Glass Building Products
Safety Precautions: If glass is damaged or broken on site, engage in a expert glazier to manage the situation, as broken glass, is a safety hazard.
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Ramifications of selling a home without municipal approved building plans
The reality is that if alterations and additions have been carried out on a property without municipal (local authority) approval and the property is then sold, it can become quite a complex legal matter.
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The Role of a project manager
The project manager will be responsible for general liason between the field and the architect and owne
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