Outdoor Lighting
Having a people over for a gathering always means there will be some outside mingling and chatting, whether its on your Veranda or in the garden. This means that you will need to have some efficient outdoor lighting that will last and add lots of aesthetic to your garden.
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A building permit is an official document issued by a local government agency that allows a property owner to proceed with construction or renovation work on their property.
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Growing Citrus in Johannesburg
Lemon trees are the only citrus fruit trees that can tolerate any frost at all and as a result are the most popular of the Citrus plants grown in the JHB area.
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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Solar Power
However, we as homeowners need to keep in mind that we still have a responsibility to the environment and our earth when we build our beautiful homes.
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Bad Feng Shui factors to avoid in home design
According to practitioners of Feng Shui, bad Feng Shui design implements in the home can have a detrimental effect on the homeowner’s general life and well-being. Bad Feng Shui causes a sense of disharmony in the home, can increase stress and conflict and can negatively impact one’s overall health by blocking and distorting positive energy.
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Baby Furniture
A nursery is a place of bonding and peace, a space in which you and your child spend a vast amount of time, whether that time involves eating, sleeping or playing.
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Garden Fences
Fences are a vital part of the modern home. We install fences for two reasons; to keep things in and to keep things out
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Ask for a guarantee
Reliable and Honest-To find the right contractor to work at your property can be tough. One of the most Important things to look at is finding a company with a good track record. One that is reliable and honest and happy to give you recommendations from previous clients.
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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2017’s top trends in interior decorating
Redecorating is one of the most exciting stages in home design because it gives homeowners a chance to express their creativity and structure their living spaces to reflect individual ideas about comfort and aesthetics.
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Carports are a lot cheaper choice than a garage and are great for storing cars. They can also be used for entertaining. However, carports, due to their open nature, are not as secure as garages. The advantage of a carport over a garage (beside the cheaper cost) is that they can be added onto over time should you need more space. Also you can utilise previous ‘dead’ space and add great value to your home!
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Tile Suppliers
Choosing the correct tiles for your home is an important and vital task. Choosing the right tiles will ensure aesthetic benefits as well as durability.
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You need to have a steady hand and a well experienced eye. So here is a few tips for you
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Sauna Materials and Supplies
Many people dream of having their own saunas at home, these can be used to relax and for multiple health reasons. Setting them up can be done outside or you can turn a room from your house into your very own sauna room. Here are a few basic tips and steps on how to do it
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Garden Design and Landscaping
A professional landscaper will assist you in putting together a garden that is suited to your style and needs.
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Contemporary furniture styles through the ages
Contemporary furniture has a long history of development and has evolved from the start of the 20th century to give homeowners over two centuries of design to choose from. If you are interested in investing in contemporary style furniture, it is important to familiarise yourself with what exactly ‘contemporary’ entails. Check out this list of landmark contemporary developments to guide your home design and find the era that works for you:
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