Security Screens & Doors
Security, especially in South Africa is a major concern in the home. There are a wide variety of security options available including; doors, screens, burglar bars and expandable security gates. A secure home can still blend in with the architecture and design of your home. This means that your hard work in building and having a beautiful home and lovely aesthetics need not be compromised by a security system and physical security mechanisms around the home!
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Protecting Your Home: Essential Fire Prevention Equipment
When it comes to protecting your home and loved ones from the devastating effects of Fire, having the right equipment and safety measures in place is essential
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Patio Cleaning
There's nothing like relaxing on beautifully clean Patio but Patios take a beating over the years, cleaning paving and patios is often thought of as a tough job and gets pushed down the to-do list. This can be solved with small jobs being done regularly.
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Borehole pumps
Protection for borehole pumps can be done by using a control unit, switching units or probes for level switches.
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Clients should be able to call contractors years after the work has beeen completed related to any issues which arise immediately after the job was completed or even years later.
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Factors to consider if you are considering reupholstering your furniture
Reupholstering can sometimes be just as expensive as buying a new couch. If your couch is in need of an update, consider these factors to determine whether reupholstering will truly save you cost, or whether a new couch is a better option:
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A simple guide to raft foundations
Raft foundations are also known as Mat foundations and are large slabs of concrete that are used to support both walls and columns.
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Patio Cleaning
Cleaning your patio from top to bottom involves several steps to ensure a thorough job
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The approximate starting price for a basic, small-sized swimming pool in South Africa is from R 50,000 to R100,000.
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Natural vs. Chemical Pest Control: Which is Right for Your Home?
Should you use natural or chemical pest control? Learn the benefits of both methods and how they impact your home. Explore eco-friendly solutions like essential oils and neem oil, or consider chemical treatments for severe infestations. Find the right balance for effective pest control today!
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Glass Cleaning
Having a faint finger smudge or a collection of dirt on your glass counters and windows can cause a lot of worry, and even after all that there are still smudges from where you have wiped. The best start is a change of product in your bucket!
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Joiners & Joinery
When it comes to putting together a table, or a step tool using mechanical tool is easy, but to add that look of first-class work, with smooth, metal free visible areas, nothing will do the job like a direct joint between parts, bonded with glue.
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Home Gym Equipment
If you are a person who prefers to exercise in the comfort of his or her own home as opposed to a large, busy gym then a home gym is a beneficial decision to make
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Tips on Solar Geyser
Solar powered Geysers should be the future of many modern households, they help and save lots of needed electricity, especially during these Load Shedding times. Although buying them may be the hardest step, giving them a regular check is always recommended.
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Securing Your Property: Walls vs. Fences in South Africa
Whether you choose a wall, a fence, or electric security options, the most important thing is to take proactive steps to protect your home and loved ones.
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Innovative Trends in Home Architecture: What Today's Architects are Bringing to Residential Design
Discover how architects are reshaping homes with sustainability and technology.
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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