Alternative options for affordable decking
save up to 30% on your material cost by using H3 treated pine instead of your traditional Balau decking
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Coating Materials
Coating materials are extremely varied, from paints and varnishes to vinyl plastic coatings. The advantages of coating materials include the following; Protection, insulation, safety (non slip coatings) and of course visual enhancement.
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Prepair the wood
Staining plywood is a little trickier since plywood tends to soak up stain at different rates,
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The perfect garden plants for a wet and rainy climate
Every good gardener knows that trees, flowers and plants need to be chosen with the local climate in mind.
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10 things to avoid during a thunderstorm
As the rain season approaches in South Africa, thunderstorms become more prevalent and your personal safety is compromised when not managed cautiously
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Glass Pool Fencing
Glass is one of the best types of pool fences for your home, it can be very pricey but in the long run it can bring a very nice aesthetic to your garden and is a very safe option if you have kids. One of the mos important things when having these fences is keeping them clean.
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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Why Should You Consider Granite Countertops?
Most people look at granite as something expensive! Yet granites are different, in color and in prices.
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Garden Art and Statues
As homeowners who are in the midst of a creative and innovative time, you have an incredible opportunity to create a garden that is unique and personal.
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Safety tips for cleaning your electronics
Everyone knows that cleaning kitchen counters, doing regular laundry and dusting and scrubbing surfaces are vital routines to keep one’s home hygienic. However, not many people are aware of how dirty electronics in the home can become.
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How to care for your trees in winter
During winter, trees are likely to take strain in your garden due to changes in temperature, precipitation, sunlight exposure and other seasonal fluctuations. Follow these top tips to make sure you take care of your trees and ensure they emerge healthy on the other end of the winter season.
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Bathroom Fittings
Once you have completed the design phase of your bathroom and selected elements such as the bath, basin and shower you will need to choose the appropriate fittings for this room. Typical bathroom fittings may include: · Taps · Shower heads · Towel rails · Drains · Soap dishes · Electrical fittings
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The Importance of Taking a Proactive Approach to Roof Repairs
When it comes to keeping your roof in a healthy condition, prevention is definitely better than the cure
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Gazebos and Pergolas
Pergolas will help you have that beautiful structure in your backyard to give you shade, cover your hot tub, or simply define an outdoor space into something special. This can be done all on your own and let you add that last aesthetic touch.
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How to keep your cables neat and untangled
A nest of messy, tangled cables behind one’s TV or sound equipment, or even next to one’s bed, can be an impractical and unsightly problem leading to impossible knots and even damage to one’s electronics. Here are some tips to get your cables organised, neat and easy to manage:
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Kitchen Plumbers
Sometimes things go wrong with your kitchen and you are just lost on what to do. Small and basic things can easily go wrong in your kitchen plumbing that have very understandable methods to fix. It is not always completely necessary to have a Plumber but if you do contact some of our trained professionals.
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