Top tips for reusing food waste from your kitchen
Leftovers, expired bread, and vegetable and fruit peels. The amount of waste produced by the average kitchen, which is normally thrown away, can be alarming, especially when one considers that all this waste can still be useful.
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Centurion Pool & Rock Design
Swimming Pools are not cheap – if a quote is well below the average: Be ware
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Fiberglass Pool Repairs
If you have a fiberglass pool, you're in luck. These pools are durable and require little maintenance.
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Signs of a Water Leak
A high water bill or a sudden increase can be the result of a water leak. Signs which may indicate a water leak
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Fibreglass Pools
Kaiross pools are second to none, as our unique ‘coremat’ layer eliminates the need for the webs or reinforcing struts found on cheaper pools, so Kaiross represents value for life.
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All you need to know about roof waterproofing
Overall strict compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions is an imperative. Opting for professional roof waterproofing services will ensure that there are no errors in the roof waterproofing process and ensure longevity of the membrane for long years.
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Roof repairs and waterproofing: how these household chores can make or break you
Repairing your roof often shouldn’t be the case if it is done correctly the first time. Property owners like to go for the cheapest option available as it is convenient for them at the time, not thinking that it will cost them more in the months to come.
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Building Project managers and what to tell them
Its always a good idea to personally speak to your building project manager, this is because it is not an easy job to do 100% when there is not real scope of what you as the home owner are wanting to do, so here are a few tips to help yourself and him/her.
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Blind Suppliers
Blinds are a very popular alternative to the conventional curtain or drape, and have the wonderful versatility to be sited indoors or outdoors.
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What Countertop Colour Looks Best with White Cupboards?
Keep in mind that black is another non-colour and you might find the kitchen too drastic for your liking
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Air Conditioners
Whether you’re selecting an air conditioner for cooling or a reverse cycle unit for heating and cooling, there are many options available.
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Kitchen critters: how to get rid of cockroaches
Cockroaches are amongst the most detested and, often, feared household pests. Keeping cockroaches out of your kitchen is important for hygienic reasons and for purposes of general comfort for both your family and any guests.
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Cold Room Storage
Cold rooms are an innovative option for cold storage in the home. They can be described as large, walk-in refrigerators and can be used in domestic spaces and for larger-scale organisations like restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and long-term storage warehouses
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Get roof repairs done in Cape Town before winter arrives!
It’s well worth your while to chat to the friendly team of roofing specialists at Empire Roofing if you suspect there may be trouble up above! You could save yourself a lot of time and money by getting to the root of any roofing issues before they become major problems!
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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water penetrates slowly but surely through your walls, roof or concrete deck. In that way water can cause a lot of damage to your furniture and even your ceilings, It can turn out to be very, very expensive.
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Construction is a very delicate practice
soil samples have to be taken to predict the standup time
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