Painting Your Home
Many people assume that professional painters just slap some paint on a brush and get to work, but that just isn’t true.
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Wallpaper trends for the creative homemaker
There are so many options when it comes to wallpaper design that choosing the right one for your home can be overwhelming. To make your search for the perfect wallpaper a little easier, it is always advisable to check out the latest and most popular trends.
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Innovative Solutions for Waste Removal and Disposal: Community-Led Initiatives in South Africa
Discover how communities in South Africa are overcoming waste disposal issues through innovative initiatives and individual efforts.
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Wallpaper Cleaning
Test out a small patch of wallpaper with a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and water to see if it is suitable for washing.
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Sheds and Garden Huts
Decorating a garden hut can be a delightful project that allows you to express your creativity while enhancing the ambiance of your outdoor space.
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Pet-Friendly Carpet and Fabric Protection Strategies
When it comes to creating a comfortable and inviting living space, pet owners often face a unique challenge: keeping their furry friends happy without sacrificing the beauty and cleanliness of their home
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Signs of a Water Leak
A high water bill or a sudden increase can be the result of a water leak. Signs which may indicate a water leak
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Bi-fold Windows
Bi-fold windows are one of the most innovative, practical and attractive window designs available to homeowners. This style of window works through a folding mechanism that allows each half of the window to fold back into a neat and discrete vertical stack on opposite sides of the opening.
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Sewerage and Waste Removals
Wet waste can become a nuisance in your house, it often leaves a smell and a mark on the floor if it is there for too long, it can also if not disposed of properly be harmful to the environment, if you are able to remove the waste properly then you are saving yourself and the environment.
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Is DIY Pest control the best option?
It’s a serious concern that some ruthless individuals are still selling pest control products that were banned some years ago due to their toxicity level and effects to the environment.
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Eco Cleaning: be green when you clean
Cleaning at home can not be avoided, but it can be done in a manner that is environmentally friendly. There is a wide array of alternative options for home cleaning that you can try out, without compromising on keeping your home hygienic and well kept.
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Installing a lift into your property is an expense sometimes worth taking. It is important to take into account all size and maintenance details when maintaining a lift in your house. Daily check ups and weekly visits from professionals is vital for everyone who uses its safety.
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Designing and maintaining your ceilings
There are a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to selecting the perfect ceiling for your home. Ceilings are an often overlooked part of design.
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7 ways to cut down on building costs without sacrificing quality.
Buy materials direct from the brick manufacturer, you save 10% on the cost from other suppliers, it’s not easy to find one that will sell bricks to you direct but they do exist.
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Top tips for carpet cleaning
Carpet flooring can lend a sense of comfort and warmth to a home that hardwood, tile or cement floors often do not achieve. However, keeping one’s carpets clean and stain free can be a challenge as there is no single method for removing different types of stains. Follow this guide to boost your carpet-cleaning skills and know what to do with particular types of spills or marks on your carpet flooring:
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Cleaning Vinyl floors
Vinyl floors can go through quite a bit of wear and tear when they are in high traffic areas in the house, but if you are able to maintain and keep the floors clean and protected then they will last a while longer than what was expected and they will look in pristine condition.
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