How much does it cost to renovate an entire house in South Africa?
Renovating a house is a big decision that requires careful planning and budgeting. In South Africa, the cost of renovation can vary depending on the size and scope of the project, as well as the materials and finishes used.
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In this expect article we will discuss building a retaining wall.
After inspection the engineer will determine, the type of blocks to be used, the quantity of the materials which will be required.
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Clothes Dryers
These machines make life just that little bit easier, they can make life a little bit more pricey but if used efficiently is the perfect way to have a fresh set of clothes ready the next day. The latest sensor technology on many models reduces drying times for greater energy efficient and time saving.
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Eco Cleaning tips
Sometimes when we use those chemicals they actually do more bad than good. Using Eco friendly products for those simple and quick cleans will be your own little part towards helping the environment.
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How to ventilate your bathroom
Bathrooms are notoriously prone to dampness and poor ventilation because they are exposed to higher levels of warm steam, water and heat than other household areas.
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Burglar Bars
Different homeowners will have different needs in terms of how they want their burglar bars to function
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Air Conditioning and South Africa
The summer heat in South Africa can be unbearable at times, so a good air conditioner is essential.
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Home Gym Equipment
If you are a person who prefers to exercise in the comfort of his or her own home as opposed to a large, busy gym then a home gym is a beneficial decision to make
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Curtains may seem like a mundane and tedious part of decorating your home, but just because they are a necessity does not mean they don’t deserve to be carefully considered.
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Carpet Cleaning
Going through the effort to clean your carpet may sound like too much extra work, especially if your carpet looks clean enough or is largely concealed by furniture, rugs or mats. So why bother?
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Paints materials and Supplies
When designing your house it is important to select the correct paint for the environment, this will give the best results for your house and let there be as little problems in the future as possible. The type of paint you choose is just as important as the colour, and can have a major effect on the character of your room.
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Wall Painting
Wall painting can prove to be costly especially when one want to apply durable quality paint. A recent project proved others wise. If you looking for a velvet smooth like finish
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Underfloor Heating
As daily household practices are changing in response to Global warming and high electricity costs, households are looking for more environmentally friendly electrical heating systems.
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Roof repairs and waterproofing: how these household chores can make or break you
Repairing your roof often shouldn’t be the case if it is done correctly the first time. Property owners like to go for the cheapest option available as it is convenient for them at the time, not thinking that it will cost them more in the months to come.
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What is a Skylight?
Rooftop windows and skylights can give a number of advantages to home owners.
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Top tips for carpet cleaning
Carpet flooring can lend a sense of comfort and warmth to a home that hardwood, tile or cement floors often do not achieve. However, keeping one’s carpets clean and stain free can be a challenge as there is no single method for removing different types of stains. Follow this guide to boost your carpet-cleaning skills and know what to do with particular types of spills or marks on your carpet flooring:
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