Frameless Glass
Frameless glass is a perfectly customised for areas like showers. Be prepared to see your bathroom in a whole new light, with more open space and a modern look! When designing your shower you are going to want to decide where the shower head is and how you want your shower to look inside.
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Carports are a lot cheaper choice than a garage and are great for storing cars. They can also be used for entertaining. However, carports, due to their open nature, are not as secure as garages. The advantage of a carport over a garage (beside the cheaper cost) is that they can be added onto over time should you need more space. Also you can utilise previous ‘dead’ space and add great value to your home!
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Dining room furniture: choosing the perfect dinner table
Choosing the perfect dinner table to complement your dining room and surrounding dining room furniture, involves multiple considerations relating to the design and practicality of the table.
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Fibreglass Pools: why fibreglass is your best bet
For homeowners planning on adding to their home experience with a pool to provide an area for relaxation, exercise and socialising, fibreglass pools, instead of concrete pools, are a viable option with multiple benefits.
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Toilet Types
Consult a specialist bathroom or toilet supplier to advise you on the options available. Installation should be undertaken by a qualified and licensed plumber. There are a number of toilet ranges available
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Your Choice of Fan
Wanting to air up the place in the summer is always a good idea, the heat can really ruin your ,motivation during the day. Selecting the right fan for a room size and choosing one that suit the mood of a room. You don't want to make the mistake of having a fan blowing your papers all around the room.
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Top tips for keeping your ceiling clean
When spring-cleaning a room in your home, make sure you take care of the ceiling first, before you clean the walls, windows or floor in order to prevent dust from falling onto already cleaned surfaces.
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How to choose a safe and secure baby crib
While it may not be possible to have your new-born in your sights 24/7, it is possible to take every necessary precaution to ensure your little one is as safe as possible at all times.
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Safe Pool Fences
The pool is a beautiful place to gather as a family and enjoy the nice hot of summer, but it is important not to forget to implement the best safety precautions around your pool. There are many things to take into account when choosing your pool fence.
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Exploring the Rising Demand for Garden and Guard Huts in South Africa
Uncover the benefits of garden and guard huts for South African homeowners, from enhancing outdoor spaces to boosting security.
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Simply put, it is any material used to protect a building’s exterior. Cladding is also used as a tool to direct the flow of water or the force of the wind against a building and controls both elements by preventing them from penetrating the exterior of your home.
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Kitchen design: the finishing touches
In designing a kitchen, the main items one initially focuses on are the cabinetry and counter top style or finish. However, what about the finer details?
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Acrylic render: a beginner’s guide
Acrylic render is perfect for homeowners looking for an attractive and long-lasting exterior finish.
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Organic Pest Control: Keep bugs out, the natural way
Before using chemicals to rid your garden of pests, consider using natural pest control, which is safer for your garden, yourself and your family.
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How to choose your fridge
When choosing your fridge its all about the balance between price and practicality, they come in a wide variety of styles and with a number of features to choose from, to make sure you make the right choice, you will need to look at all aspects possible.
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Fire damage how to go forward
If your home has suffered fire damage, knowing the correct steps to take both immediately and a few days after the fire can save you a lot of stress and expense. Here are some easy tips on what to do immediately after a fire has occurred on your property in order to minimise the damage and make the restoring process easier and more effective:
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Bathroom Plumbers
Every bathroom needs to be taken care of properly so that everyone in your house is safe from getting sick. If your bathroom is cleaned properly and regularly there should be no problems.
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