Vinyl and Laminate Floors: which one works for you?
Vinyl flooring and laminate flooring are two totally different flooring options that can be easily confused.
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Interior Designers
We all want the best for our homes, and have copious amounts of visions and Pinterest boards that map out every detail of our tastes, styles and preferences. However, not all of us have the capability and training to put these visions out into the real world. This is why HomeImprovement4U gives you access to the relaible and gifted hands of Interior
Read moreGarages: keep your vehicle safe at home
A garage is a fully enclosed unit with walls, a roof and a garage door that is appropriately sized to fit one or more vehicles. Garages can either be constructed as extensions of the home or can be built as an entirely separate unit.
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Factors to consider if you are considering reupholstering your furniture
Reupholstering can sometimes be just as expensive as buying a new couch. If your couch is in need of an update, consider these factors to determine whether reupholstering will truly save you cost, or whether a new couch is a better option:
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The approximate starting price for a basic, small-sized swimming pool in South Africa is from R 50,000 to R100,000.
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The perfect garden plants for a wet and rainy climate
Every good gardener knows that trees, flowers and plants need to be chosen with the local climate in mind.
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Heavenly shade for your home: a simple guide to shade sails
Shade sails are a subtle and effective way to shade areas of your home without the need to install permanent structures.
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A building permit is an official document issued by a local government agency that allows a property owner to proceed with construction or renovation work on their property.
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Why Should You Consider Granite Countertops?
Most people look at granite as something expensive! Yet granites are different, in color and in prices.
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Joiners & Joinery
When it comes to putting together a table, or a step tool using mechanical tool is easy, but to add that look of first-class work, with smooth, metal free visible areas, nothing will do the job like a direct joint between parts, bonded with glue.
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Asbestos Removals
If you suspect that asbestos-containing materials have been used in your home, the best course of action to take is to enlist the help of a licensed asbestos inspector. This will let you know for sure if there is a proper need to get it removed.
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Organic and Natural Pest Control
If you are uneasy with the thought of using toxic and harmful pesticides in the vicinity of your home and happen to have a soft spot for the pests amongst your belongings, there are a few organic and natural remedies that should have them gone in no time!
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How to ventilate your bathroom
Bathrooms are notoriously prone to dampness and poor ventilation because they are exposed to higher levels of warm steam, water and heat than other household areas.
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How to choose the perfect tumble dryer
For busy households with children and plenty of messy after-school activities, a tumble dryer can be a real relief when it comes to handling mountains of clothes. This is especially so if you do not have enough space to hang up row after row of wet clothing or have multiple loads of washing to take care of each week.
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Garden Services & Lawn Mowing in Summer: Tips and Tricks for Homeowners
Get your South African garden summer-ready with tips on lawn care, garden cleanup, and tree maintenance. From mowing techniques to sustainable practices, this guide helps you maintain a vibrant outdoor space that withstands the season’s heat and complements your home improvement efforts.
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Cleaning your Oven
Nobody wants to clean an oven. In an ideal world, our appliances would do nothing but cook us our roasts and warm up our coffee - unfortunately, idealism is nothing but an aspiration!
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Glass Scratch Repair vs. Replacement: What’s the Best Option?
Explore the pros and cons of glass scratch repairs versus replacement. Learn when to polish minor scratches and when it’s time for a full replacement to maintain safety and appearance in your home.
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