After an emergency
If tap water is available, fill a bathtub and other containers in case the supply gets cut off
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Internal doors
Time to decide on your internal doors and install them. This can be quite a hefty job but if done correctly can be done quickly and easily if done with the correct instructions. Choosing your new internal door is all based on your own personal design taste.
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How to prevent your deck from splintering
Besides being unsightly, a splintering deck can pose a real threat to children or pets whose feet (or paws) can suffer real damage and pain from sharp, wooden shards.
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When you suspect that your geyser has burst, the first thing you need to do is to switch off the water supply
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Wallpaper is the homemakers dream when it comes to creating spaces that are personal, unique and have an element of expertise.
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Safety tips for electric heaters
Electric heaters can be one of the most comforting and useful household products during cold winter months. They are also known for being cost effective and highly efficient at heating large surface areas. However, they do come with a risk if used incorrectly or without correct caution. Follow these tips to make sure you get maximum enjoyment out of your electric heater while ensuring your own safety and that of your family and property:
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Gazebos and Pergolas
Pergolas will help you have that beautiful structure in your backyard to give you shade, cover your hot tub, or simply define an outdoor space into something special. This can be done all on your own and let you add that last aesthetic touch.
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Asbestos Removals
If you suspect that asbestos-containing materials have been used in your home, the best course of action to take is to enlist the help of a licensed asbestos inspector. This will let you know for sure if there is a proper need to get it removed.
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Lemon Trees
The first query here would be, do the trees flower? Flowers lead to fruit, and a lack of blooms means your tree cannot produce.
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Carpet Dyeing
Often we spend loads of money on a carpet and over time stains ruin the original look, but instead og going and buying a brand new carept you can also dye the stains and wear on the carpet to give it that new look again. It is recommended to get a professional to do this but it is possible to do it yourself.
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Seamless laminated wood
When looking at laminated wood flooring, they all look the same except for the colours. There are a lot of different laminates like plain edge, bevelled edges, smooth edge or rough finishes
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The Benefit Of Building a Loft Room
If we’re true to ourselves we all would love more space within our homes wouldn’t you agree?
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Storage and Removals
Moving and storing involves lots of packing and confusion, this is why it is important to have everything in order so that the removal and storage of your items is done efficiently and safely!
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How to Choose the Best Renovation Contractor in Cape Town?
Communicate your expectations and needs clearly with the contractor and establish a project management plan that includes regular progress updates and communication.
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How to choose the right lock for your home security
The humble lock has been available as a security implement for decades and has only improved in terms of variety of design, strength and specification. Sometimes the tried and tested security method is more effective and easy to use than the latest technological innovation, which is why locks are still used as a common form of successful security at the home. Familiarise yourself with these popular lock options before you make a purchase:
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Carpenters may specialise in a particular area of the trade, so please be sure your chosen professional is able to complete your specific project by advising very clearly what you need and what you expect!
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Book Cases and Cabinets
Whether modern or traditional, there is a suprisingly diverse range of options to choose from when it comes to installing book cases or cabinets in your home
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