Splashbacks are a stylish addition to your home; they are mainly protective in nature and often found in kitchens, bathrooms and laundries.
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A common risk is the construction/ addition of unauthorized building structures which may add to the structural burden
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Tips on using your microwave safely
Microwaves are one of the most common kitchen appliances and can be found in most homes. Despite this, many homeowners are not always aware of safety precautions they should take when using their microwave, especially when these appliances are accessible to children. Here are some safety tips for family microwave use that you yourself can apply, and instruct family members to follow:
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Plastering Materials and Supplies
If you’re new to plastering, it can be quite a scary concept to begin with! If you have the right tools and an idea of how to use them and you know what your the end result should be you should have no reason to worry. so here are a few tips in case you feel like you don't know enough.
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How to extend the life of the waterproofing on your flat roof
If the waterproofing is done reasonably well at the time of construction, then the life expectancy of the waterproofing layer if it is properly cared for could easily last in excess of 20 years.
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How Much Does it Cost to Fully Renovate a House in South Africa?
Remember to plan ahead, stick to your budget, and work with a reliable contractor to ensure a successful renovation project.
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Centurion Pool & Rock Design
Swimming Pools are not cheap – if a quote is well below the average: Be ware
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Nursery tips
There are always a few things that we forget when we have our own nursery and kid, the simple things that sometimes in your moment of tiredness you may forget. So here is a little bit of help for those who just need a few extra cleaning tips
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Why choose a Plunge Pool over a standard Pool
With benefits like reduced costs, easier maintenance, and the ability to fit into almost any outdoor area, plunge pools are the perfect addition to your next Home Improvement project.
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Generator Installation
Installing a generator in your home requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure safety and functionality. Here are some guidelines for determining the best location for a generator installation and key safety considerations:
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Hot Water System Installation
Hot water systems are an integral part of our homes and with a little tender loving care can perform perfectly for years. To install it is highly recommended to hire an expert and to ask for advoce for the best suited system in your house
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Deck mould and mildew: how to keep your deck fungus free
Deck mould is not only an aesthetic problem, it is also a sign of decomposition in your deck and can cause the wooden panels to weaken over time and possibly cave in, which poses a threat to family members using the deck.
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Leaking Tiled Roof
A leaking roof causes severe damage to ceilings and walls depending on the location and size of the leak.
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Shop Fitters
Shop fitters will see the project through from inception to completion.Shop fitters service the commercial sector including office fit outs. A shop fitter can also supply office furniture such as workstations and desks.
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Picture it. A bright summer sun and sky over green lawns and the sound of Christmas beetles and birds. That heavenly summer feeling and the smell of freshly cut grass.
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Fire damage how to go forward
If your home has suffered fire damage, knowing the correct steps to take both immediately and a few days after the fire can save you a lot of stress and expense. Here are some easy tips on what to do immediately after a fire has occurred on your property in order to minimise the damage and make the restoring process easier and more effective:
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