There are very few elements of design that have managed to hold their own through centuries. One of these elements, however, is the chandelier.
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How to attract birds to your garden
Having birds in your garden is a major advantage for garden health and beauty. Birds play a vital role in spreading seeds, removing pests, fertilising soil and adding natural beauty to your garden. For birding enthusiasts, a garden full of birds is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy their calls and tweets, as well as to view their beautiful plumage and interesting behaviour.
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6 Mistakes to avoid before you build
Set your budget or get assistance in setting it, be realistic and have a 10% contingency fund
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Common causes of household odours and how to remedy them
Sewerage smell, damp odours and drain stenches. Few household problems are more unpleasant, and make your home less comfortable, than bad smells. Read this list to find out the most common causes of household odours, and how to fix them:
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Safety tips for enjoying your home gym risk-free
Having a home gym is one of the most convenient ways to make sure you keep to your fitness goals. When installing and using your home gym, make sure you are aware of some of these safety tips to ensure you get maximum use out of your home gym with safety as your top priority.
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Bookshelves and Cabinets
Determining the best location for bookshelves and shelving in your home depends on several factors, including the available space, the layout of your home, and your personal preferences.
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Clothes Dryers
When you are wanting to do your weekly or half weekly washing it can be a hassle hoping that the weather will suit your needs. This is why clothes dryers machines and indoor hangers have been designed for the most efficient and quick dry possible.
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Preliminary steps to take once you’ve decided to build
Whether you’re building a home from the ground up, or are embarking on a remodelling project, there are some vital simple steps to making sure your vision for your home gets fulfilled with as little stress and as much satisfaction for you as possible.
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Our Building Standards.
If a quote seems low it would obviously seem very tempting, but the truth is that when one compares apples to apples, all quotes should be very similar,
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Pool Heating
If you are a pool owner, you will understand the allure of having a pool that is warm and ready to use all year round. Thanks to pool heaters, the option of having a pool that is available through all seasons is something worth investing in! There are a few variations of pool heaters that each have their own unique benefit
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Palisade Fencing
Securing your home with adequate fencing is one of the most important defenses against intruders gaining entry to your residence.
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Home Theatre System repairs.
There is no denying that home theatre systems are complicated, this is a system with many wires and settings that could confuse just anyone a little bit . Here we are going to have a little look at 10 common problems that people encounter.
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Pool Installation in Cape Town - Everything You Need to Know
Choosing the best swimming pool construction company requires thorough research and careful consideration.
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The benefits of using artificial grass for your garden
Artificial grass has become a new option in home landscaping which, for many homeowners, provides a hassle-free and evergreen alternative to natural grass. Artificial grass is an increasingly popular option for homeowners for a variety of reasons.
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Cleaning Service
When your work life becomes too time consuming and your house starts to build up a bit too much dust, a cleaning service can come in handy at these times. There are many different kinds of services that are up for offer. These are there to suit your time schedules and needs.
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Borehole pumps
Protection for borehole pumps can be done by using a control unit, switching units or probes for level switches.
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