Painting Your Home
Many people assume that professional painters just slap some paint on a brush and get to work, but that just isn’t true.
Read moreHome Automation
Home Automation sounds, to the inexperienced ear, like one of the most overwhelming and terrifying concepts in the world. What we don’t think about, however, that we have been living in automated homes for a vast majority of our lives.
Read morePool and Snooker Tables
Having a pool table is a great for use in social situations and with the family, but it is also very important to maintain the table for best use and to have the best equipment for when playing the game!
Read moreThatching: types of thatching and thatching safety
If you want your home to exude a romantic and old-world feel, a thatched roof can be the perfect asset to achieving this look. Thatch roofing can be used for the main home, outdoor patios, open storage sheds or shady poolside overhangs.
Read moreSeamless laminated wood
When looking at laminated wood flooring, they all look the same except for the colours. There are a lot of different laminates like plain edge, bevelled edges, smooth edge or rough finishes
Read moreTop tips for beginners in tree surgery
Tree surgery is a maintenance aspect in the cultivation, management, and design of trees and shrubs. Tree surgeons practice the repair and maintenance of trees in order to keep plants healthy, as well as improve their appearance and enhance their design. Here is a simple guide to tree surgery and its main exponents:
Read moreSwimming Pools
Swimming Pools are the best way to escape from the South African heat without having to compromise being out in the open air. A swimming pool is where parents get to relax and where children get to play with reckless abandon.
Read more10 things to avoid during a thunderstorm
As the rain season approaches in South Africa, thunderstorms become more prevalent and your personal safety is compromised when not managed cautiously
Read moreSecurity Screens & Doors
Security, especially in South Africa is a major concern in the home. There are a wide variety of security options available including; doors, screens, burglar bars and expandable security gates. A secure home can still blend in with the architecture and design of your home. This means that your hard work in building and having a beautiful home and lovely aesthetics need not be compromised by a security system and physical security mechanisms around the home!
Read moreSigns of a Water Leak
A high water bill or a sudden increase can be the result of a water leak. Signs which may indicate a water leak
Read moreDeck mould and mildew: how to keep your deck fungus free
Deck mould is not only an aesthetic problem, it is also a sign of decomposition in your deck and can cause the wooden panels to weaken over time and possibly cave in, which poses a threat to family members using the deck.
Read moreHeavenly shade for your home: a simple guide to shade sails
Shade sails are a subtle and effective way to shade areas of your home without the need to install permanent structures.
Read moreTree Surgery
Tree surgeons or otherwise called a Aborist is a person who takes care and maintains tree's, this is often needed as people happen to have conflict with their garden trees all the time due to natural growth. It is a tree surgeons job to solve this by maintaining the beauty of the tree but solving the problem.
Read moreCabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
Read moreGlass Cleaning
Having a faint finger smudge or a collection of dirt on your glass counters and windows can cause a lot of worry, and even after all that there are still smudges from where you have wiped. The best start is a change of product in your bucket!
Read moreDrywall is one of the Toughest trades to master.
Always sand the entire wall to flatten out all imperfections.
Read moreColour Consultants
As a client, you should be ready to show your Colour Consultant personal artifacts such as fabric, rugs and other décor items that will help them understand you as a person.
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