Dual Medium Whole House filter
The Mega Char is designed to remove sediment, tastes, odours, chlorine and volatile organic compounds from water entering your home.
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Carports are a lot cheaper choice than a garage and are great for storing cars. They can also be used for entertaining. However, carports, due to their open nature, are not as secure as garages. The advantage of a carport over a garage (beside the cheaper cost) is that they can be added onto over time should you need more space. Also you can utilise previous ‘dead’ space and add great value to your home!
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There are always two types of people; cat people and dog people, tea drinkers and coffee drinkers, bath people and shower people.
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Expert tips for improving your home's market value
When selling a house a new roof increases its market value.
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Garden play equipment: create an imaginative world in your backyard
The garden of your home can be used for more than gardening or exercising pets. Garden play equipment can turn your garden into a haven for children and a perfect place for them to spend the day expending energy and learning important developmental skills.
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Fireplace Cleaning
Having a home wood fireplace can be great for the cold times in the winter, the only problem that can come with this is safety and having to clean up so you still have that comfortable clean look of a fireplace
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Carpenters may specialise in a particular area of the trade, so please be sure your chosen professional is able to complete your specific project by advising very clearly what you need and what you expect!
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Kitchen design: the finishing touches
In designing a kitchen, the main items one initially focuses on are the cabinetry and counter top style or finish. However, what about the finer details?
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Spa Cleaning
It does not always have to be such a task to clean your pool, jacuzzi or any other spa location you may have around your house. Sometimes using simple household products can do the trick. This is a cost effective and easy solution to a everyday household issue.
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Thatching: types of thatching and thatching safety
If you want your home to exude a romantic and old-world feel, a thatched roof can be the perfect asset to achieving this look. Thatch roofing can be used for the main home, outdoor patios, open storage sheds or shady poolside overhangs.
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Choosing the Right Security Provider for Your Home :
Safeguard your South African home effectively with the right security provider, installations, and alarm systems.
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Heavenly shade for your home: a simple guide to shade sails
Shade sails are a subtle and effective way to shade areas of your home without the need to install permanent structures.
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Vinyl and Laminate Floors: which one works for you?
Vinyl flooring and laminate flooring are two totally different flooring options that can be easily confused.
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Pool Lighting
It is always relaxing to lounge in a swimming pool during the day, but at night there is a high risk in swimming without some pool lights, pool lights will let you enjoy the night time stars safely and add some ambience to your poo
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Trellis Security gates are more than security gates
We recommend when shopping to buy trellis gates, especially in the coastal areas ,that you buy a gate with a 15 year anti corrosion guarantee.
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Split air conditioner system: an energy efficient and affordable alternative
During hot summer seasons, air conditioners are a must to keep your home cool and fresh. For effective control of your home’s internal temperatures, a split air conditioner is a viable consideration that has the benefit of being unobtrusive and subtle.
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