Understanding the Role of Security Guards in South Africa
Learn about the crucial role of security guards and why they're hired across South Africa
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Sauna Materials and Supplies
Many people dream of having their own saunas at home, these can be used to relax and for multiple health reasons. Setting them up can be done outside or you can turn a room from your house into your very own sauna room. Here are a few basic tips and steps on how to do it
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Book Cases and Cabinets
Whether modern or traditional, there is a suprisingly diverse range of options to choose from when it comes to installing book cases or cabinets in your home
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Revitalise Your Space: Creative Marble Restoration Ideas for Homeowners
Learn how to breathe new life into your home with creative marble restoration ideas, including polishing and honing techniques tailored for homeowners.
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Garage Door Repairs
It can become a huge problem when your garage door stops working, there are many small things that can go wrong but can be easily fixed if you know what you are looking for. A bad connection or a faulty transmitter these can all be repaired with a little guidance.
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Garden Art and Statues
As homeowners who are in the midst of a creative and innovative time, you have an incredible opportunity to create a garden that is unique and personal.
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Solar Heating Panels
We have used the sun (solar energy) to our advantage for thousands of years for growing food, heating food or water, making fire, electricity and alternative energy. Man cannot live without the sun and on a chilly day, we will hunt for a spot within the sun.
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Heavenly shade for your home: a simple guide to shade sails
Shade sails are a subtle and effective way to shade areas of your home without the need to install permanent structures.
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Skylights: the homeowner’s solution for natural light and air
Skylights are an amazing way to incorporate the use of natural light into your home. They give homes a touch of the ambience of the natural, exterior world, and open up the space of a home, giving it a more expansive feel.
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Security Screens & Doors
Security, especially in South Africa is a major concern in the home. There are a wide variety of security options available including; doors, screens, burglar bars and expandable security gates. A secure home can still blend in with the architecture and design of your home. This means that your hard work in building and having a beautiful home and lovely aesthetics need not be compromised by a security system and physical security mechanisms around the home!
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Cold Room Storage
Cold rooms are an innovative option for cold storage in the home. They can be described as large, walk-in refrigerators and can be used in domestic spaces and for larger-scale organisations like restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and long-term storage warehouses
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Garden Irrigation Systems
Having a water irrigation system in your garden is something that helps keep your garden fresh and growing, as well as helping to keep your water usage and costs down.
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-Avoid switching on and off the circuit breaker for the geyser by the main, for it will lead up to the element getting burnt.
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Deck mould and mildew: how to keep your deck fungus free
Deck mould is not only an aesthetic problem, it is also a sign of decomposition in your deck and can cause the wooden panels to weaken over time and possibly cave in, which poses a threat to family members using the deck.
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A basic guide for home security alarm systems
A home security alarm system is necessary for ensuring you have peace of mind about the safety of your family and your property. With so many options on the market, buying the right home security system for your needs can be a challenge. Familiarize yourself with this simple guide to ensure you invest in a system that suits your needs:
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Vinyl and Laminate Floors: which one works for you?
Vinyl flooring and laminate flooring are two totally different flooring options that can be easily confused.
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Easy construction tips for you
Domestic roof Construction is the framing and roof covering which is found on most suburban detached houses in cold and temperature climates
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