How to by build your deck the eco-friendly way
If you are considering building a deck to add to your outdoor living experience, why not do it the green way. There are many tips and trick to ensure you build your deck with minimum environmental impact, here are just a few to get you started:
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Safety tips for handling paint
Painting your home, or even giving one room a colourful makeover, can be a fun and creative activity the whole family can join in on.
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The Basics to building a Wendy House
A Wendy house can have many uses in our homes, they can hold our garden tools and extra appliances needed. They can also be accommodation for low income workers, or a play room for young kids, they often never don't have a use.
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What to do in a plumbing emergency
Knowing what to do in a plumbing emergency is a vital household skill that every homeowner should have. Plumbing emergencies are hardly a rare occurrence and one should be prepared at any moment to react appropriately to sudden leaks, overflows, blockages or drainage issues in order to minimize the damage to your home.
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Heating Systems
The winter time means that the cold is coming in, you are going to want make sure that you keep you and your family warm. Sometimes a fireplace doesn't fit the set of the house. There is no need to worry because there are multiple different types of heating, for your home.
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10 Steps to Growing Trees
Trees need room to grow their branches above the ground and their roots below the ground. Avoid planting too close to overhead telephone or power lines, or too close to buildings. Most medium sized trees should be located at least 2 meters from any wall. Check whether your tree has an aggressive root system and needs to be further than 2 meters from any wall or building. Some trees have large surface roots and will lift paving.
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Finding the right roof repair companies
Empire Roofing will replace aluminium guttering, handle the replacement of roof sheets, or, if necessary, refurbish problem areas on your roof, eaves and fascia boards.
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Fireplaces can create a home that is grand, a home that is modern or a home that is minimal. Whatever you choose, HomeImprovement4U can help you make that choice come alive.
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Eco Cleaning tips
Sometimes when we use those chemicals they actually do more bad than good. Using Eco friendly products for those simple and quick cleans will be your own little part towards helping the environment.
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Exploring the Rising Demand for Garden and Guard Huts in South Africa
Uncover the benefits of garden and guard huts for South African homeowners, from enhancing outdoor spaces to boosting security.
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7 Things to consider before starting your renovation!
7. Security Your home will be open 8-10 hours of the day, with gates opening and closing. The opportunistic criminal can see this as an invitation to gain access. Inform your contractor if, and when you are expecting deliveries and when your gardener will be there and when not. Most contractors and their staff will guard your house, as if it is their own, so you don’t have to be concerned.
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The best gym equipment for at-home fitness
When there’s so much to choose from in terms of home gym equipment, it can be hard to decide on what works for you.
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Crime Scene Cleaners
Having a crime happen in your home is a traumatic and life changing event. Whilst members affected by the crime deal with the psychological and physical consequences of a crime, it is the job of crime scene cleaners to ensure that they come home to a clean, safe and sanitized home. A crime scene cleaner is somebody who is considered a “second responder” to a crime. Once an investigative team has gathered all the information they require, a crime scene clean up team is allowed onto the scene of the crime to clean the area
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Safety tips for electric heaters
Electric heaters can be one of the most comforting and useful household products during cold winter months. They are also known for being cost effective and highly efficient at heating large surface areas. However, they do come with a risk if used incorrectly or without correct caution. Follow these tips to make sure you get maximum enjoyment out of your electric heater while ensuring your own safety and that of your family and property:
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The Essentials of Tarring a Driveway in South Africa
Discover the key steps and considerations for successful driveway tarring in South Africa.
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Steam Room Cleaning
Having a steam room can be one of the best things you get in your home, it is great to sit in after a hard workout and can be very healthy. One thing you must remember is that it can also be home to many germs and bacteria in your home, this is why a thorough clean is always needed.
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Dishwashers: Why they trump hand washing every time
The debate between using a dishwasher, or relying on old school hand-washing techniques, deals with concerns like energy-efficiency, time constraints, water-saving and the hygiene and cleanliness of kitchen items.
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