Ask For A Guarantee
If the contractor is not comfortable with the issuing of guarantees, we recommend that you find another Contractor.
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Fence Cleaning
When you have finally chosen your fence of choice, its time to learn how to clean it! Your fence of choice could be a metal or wooden one but it is always important to know the best method to cleaning your fence. Here are a few tips to cleaning a metal or wooden fence.
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Carpet Dyeing
Often we spend loads of money on a carpet and over time stains ruin the original look, but instead og going and buying a brand new carept you can also dye the stains and wear on the carpet to give it that new look again. It is recommended to get a professional to do this but it is possible to do it yourself.
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Solar Heating Panels
We have used the sun (solar energy) to our advantage for thousands of years for growing food, heating food or water, making fire, electricity and alternative energy. Man cannot live without the sun and on a chilly day, we will hunt for a spot within the sun.
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Keep your wallpaper clean with these easy tips
Maintaining your wallpaper is vital to ensure that it lasts longer, keeps its colour and texture, and looks professional. By following these easy cleaning tips, you can make sure that you avoid damaging the wallpaper in your home through faulty cleaning techniques and can keep it looking brand-new.
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Urban residents in South Africa can benefit greatly from splash pools, especially in areas with limited space. Splash pools offer a refreshing escape from the heat and can add value to urban properties without taking up much space.
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How to design a more Eco-Friendly Home
For any building to receive a certificate of occupancy, every professional involved - from the designer to the builder - needs to comply with SANS standard 10400-XA building standards
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Colour Consultants
As a client, you should be ready to show your Colour Consultant personal artifacts such as fabric, rugs and other décor items that will help them understand you as a person.
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Paving vs. Concrete: Making the Right Choice for Your Home Improvement Project
Explore the pros and cons of paving and concrete to decide which is best for your South African home improvement project.
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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What to do after a power outage during storms
Make sure that the hot water heater is filled before turning on the power to it.
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Pick the perfect patio doors for your home
Patio doors are a versatile housing implement that can come in sliding, French, bi-fold or swinging designs.
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Bathroom renovations: Creative ways to modernise your bathroom
The bathroom vanity serves as a central element in your bathroom renovations, combining storage functionality with aesthetic appeal.
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Concrete Waterproofing
Depending upon the type of waterproofing application you use, the concrete will be out of action for a certain period of time. It’s very important that the manufacturer’s guidelines are followed.
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How to choose the perfect couch
Couches of sofas are the central piece of any lounge or recreation room. With a comfortable set of couches, your lounge is guaranteed to be an often-used meeting place for the family after a busy day of work or school.
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Top tips for reusing food waste from your kitchen
Leftovers, expired bread, and vegetable and fruit peels. The amount of waste produced by the average kitchen, which is normally thrown away, can be alarming, especially when one considers that all this waste can still be useful.
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How to attract birds to your garden
Having birds in your garden is a major advantage for garden health and beauty. Birds play a vital role in spreading seeds, removing pests, fertilising soil and adding natural beauty to your garden. For birding enthusiasts, a garden full of birds is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy their calls and tweets, as well as to view their beautiful plumage and interesting behaviour.
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