Interior design mistakes to avoid
Interior design is a true art that some are more naturally skilled in than others. Improve your interior designing skills by taking note of these definite don’ts:
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Damp Repairs
Damp or dampness also called structural dampness, this is unwanted moisture in the structure of a building
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Blinds are one of the most useful and practical additions to any home as they allow a homeowner easy control over the how much sunlight enters the room.
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Wallpaper trends for the creative homemaker
There are so many options when it comes to wallpaper design that choosing the right one for your home can be overwhelming. To make your search for the perfect wallpaper a little easier, it is always advisable to check out the latest and most popular trends.
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Concrete Waterproofing
Depending upon the type of waterproofing application you use, the concrete will be out of action for a certain period of time. It’s very important that the manufacturer’s guidelines are followed.
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The pros and cons of sandstone paving
Sandstone is one of the most popular paving materials and makes for a natural and light coloured paving style that has a distinctive appearance which some choose for its similarity to beach sand tones.
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Acrylic Render
Acrylic Rendering is ideal for anybody who is after a durable, attractive and easy exterior on their home.
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Fibreglass Pools
Kaiross pools are second to none, as our unique ‘coremat’ layer eliminates the need for the webs or reinforcing struts found on cheaper pools, so Kaiross represents value for life.
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Fabric Protection
Fabric protection is very important to do after cleaning. This can be done using multiple products that will work on different types of materials. The fabric could be from carpets and curtains to table clothes that may be a bit exposed to the elements.
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Kitchen critters: how to get rid of cockroaches
Cockroaches are amongst the most detested and, often, feared household pests. Keeping cockroaches out of your kitchen is important for hygienic reasons and for purposes of general comfort for both your family and any guests.
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Printing on Canvas, Where do I start?
You can do your own sketch of sizes and ideas you have to see if it will work for your wall space
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Garden pots: display your plants creatively
Choose wisely when it comes to the material of your garden pot as certain types of pots have advantages over others.
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IC Paving and Walling
When deciding on what material to use for your driveway or other high traffic areas, there are many options and factors to consider. Brick paving, asphalt and concrete are just some of the popular choices in South Africa – but which one is right for you?
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Garden Cleanup
Doing a proper garden clean up should be seen as your yearly treat!" During this time you are able to clean up your garden to make it look its best before the winter season. This can help prevent any pests or weeds that are bound to come during the cold season.
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Pest Control prevention
Pests can really change the mood for a picnic or a Sunday Breakfast, one thing your enjoying a nice sweet snack and the next your swiping away flies and ants from your meal. There a few things that you can do to try and prevent this from happening.
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Pest prevention during pre-construction
Preventing pests in the home is possible right from the pre-construction stage of building and is an extremely beneficial option to take. Although it may initially cost extra to reinforce your home against pest invasion,
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