Aliminium Windows VS Steel Windows
Many Property Owners place high value on the appearance of their properties, with particular attention to windows and doors finishes. Generally, at GGA Windows and Doors we believe that a property’s aesthetic appeal is mostly a factor of the architectural finishes (in our particular interest – Glass, Windows and Doors). To have a proof of concept, just have a look at how many remodeling projects are currently running close to you. With the coming of the COVID 19 pandemic, which forced people to stay confined in their homes for months, everyone faced a reality that they needed to make homes conducive for both work, pleasure and family. This resulted in a lot of property owners taking a closer look at their properties with respect to remodeling (either for their tenants or themselves). Amongst the biggest questions was how do you make your home more energy efficient and cozy? Hence one of the biggest answers is brought by GGA Windows and Doors: Why Aluminium vs Steel?
There are many considerations we would like to give as to why Aluminium would be your best choice on your next project:
One most important aspect of each project is the budget. There is a very big cost difference between Aluminium Windows and Steel Windows. One is the cost to manufacture steel windows against aluminium windows. Steel windows would generally cost more to install on your property than aluminium.
Another important factor that most property owners almost always over look is the cost for maintaining their property. It is very prudent to look at the long run cost of keeping your property in top notch condition and hence preserve and gain more value for your property. Steel windows and doors need to be maintained almost every time you renew your property paint or sometimes in older properties every year! Now; that’s a big cost that as a property owner would demand more out of your already strained pockets. Aluminium windows and doors are your best bet. Aluminium does not require painting and using high quality profiles gives your windows and doors a 25 year head start!
Thermal insulation is a very important factor in these modern days. Property consumers are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of green buildings and energy efficiency. These qualities are highly contributed by a properly installed aluminium system on your property. For example, in lower exterior temperatures, humid air tends to form on the interior side of windows and glass surfaces of windows. When left unabated, the liquid forms a nasty drip stain on your windows and in other cases will not only cause damage to your steel and wooden window frames but will damage nearby furniture and objects inside the building. Fortunately ALUMINIUM window frames are manufactured with thermal breaking technology. This means that aluminium frames eliminate the instances of condensation due to improved heat flow reduction. Hence aluminium windows provide better thermal insulation during hot weather conditions (eg summer) keeping occupants inside cool and conversely keeping occupants warm during winter and rainy seasons.
In these modern days, aluminium windows can now be fitted with shutters, burglar bars and security screens to enhance security of occupants and their possessions, whilst maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the property. GGA Windows and Doors strongly believes that indeed we can kill 4 birds with one stone! Innovation is key and that’s the beauty about architectural aluminium windows and doors!
Finally, aluminium windows and doors have a great weight advantage over steel windows, hence we always find that there are many opening configurations on aluminium vs steel windows and doors. This is because aluminium is slighter yet strong to withstand daily rigourous usage. This makes it easy to install aluminum products on most sophisticated and high buildings.
Having considered these few factors amongst plenty more, we would strongly recommend the application of aluminium windows and doors on your next project. Get in touch with the experts and they will provide you with more information,