Window & Door Specialists in Fezile Dabi

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Best match results for window & door specialists in Fezile Dabi + 30km.

    Windows & Doors Glass Contractors & Services

    We registered with the following bodies NHBRC, CIDB ,MBA .We offer these services: Building,Carports,Roof,Painting, Paving PlasteringPlastering PlumbingPlumbing and Reinforcements We also assist with building loans application from four major banks but terms and conditions apply. We use highly qualified engineering company.We have been involved in many building projects of house in Gauteng province. We have an advantage of being able to have met many different competent people such as Engineers.So... Read more

    Fly Screens by MAGNISCREEN! The first, original magnetic insect screen with aluminium frame since 1998. We manufacture fly screens of all sizes for the openers of all types of windows (steel, aluminium, wooden, PVC), security gates and also screen panels for sliding doors. YOU SPECIFY AND WE MANUFACTURE AT NO EXTRA COSTS! NO INSTALLATION !!! Magniscreen is designed to fit onto the window frame without any installation - you just press it onto the window, the permanent magnets do the rest. In... Read more

    We supply and install all types of blinds(including motorized options) -Aluminium(25&50mm) Wooden,Roller ,DoubleRoller(twist/zebra)&Vertical. We also supply and install(warranty incl.) Aluminium Louvre Awnings &Fixed Aluminium Awnings. We pride ourselve in the best quality products and best customer service as well as aftersale service and warranties on all our products. Read more

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