Repairs & Maintenance - Cape Winelands / Boland

Western Cape

Best match results for repairs & maintenance in Cape Winelands / Boland + 30km.

    On site supply, fit and manufacturing of aluminum seamless gutters You have several options when it comes to choosing a material for your gutters in Cape Town. Copper, zinc, aluminum and steel are all solid choices for gutters on a home or commercial building but aluminum gutters are often cited as being the best choice. Ideal for seamless gutter systems, aluminum gutters installed by Xpo Seamless Gutters in Cape Town have a number of benefits that a homeowner or building superintendent should... Read more

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    At Swellies Solar & Electrical, we are committed to providing our clients with reliable and efficient services, while making a positive impact on the environment. Our team of experienced professionals provides solar installation and maintenance services, as well as electrical repairs. We believe that clean energy is the future, which is why we are dedicated to providing environmentally-friendly solutions to help our clients reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills. Supply... Read more

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