Security Guards

Having a Security Guard on site.
Having security guards is seen as a great option as it is an unpredictable problem for burglars, unlike home automation, a security guards moves around and does not work on a readable system. Routines for the security guard can be altered regularly making it even worse for intruders as now there is not even habit involved anymore. Security guards in uniform are also frequently mistaken as police officers from a distance, which adds to their ability to act as a deterrent. They can see problems arising before they do possibly and also have the ability and right to arrest a person on your property. They also usually have an understanding of the systems in houses and businesses and can report exact problems when needed.
They can possibly cost quite a bit more, this varies on what option you choose. There is also the problem of the supply and demand of security guards at the moment, this growning need for trained security guards could not be met by some companies and unskilled and untrained individuals begin to get jobs, this creates and unrealiable system that you as the payer needs to analyze and deicide whether they are trustworthy. Make sure you keep an eye out on your guard and make sure he dooing his daily duties. This is especially problematic on graveyard shifts, where guards are more likely to fall asleep, disappear or show up late when they’re not supervised.