Electrical Fences

Electric Fences the new norm
Most houses these days have electrical fencing and are very easy to maintain if you know what you are doing. If properly kept and any faults that may occur are fixed quickly and properly you will have a firm strong barrier against any danger entering your house.
The first step necessary for fault finding is to examine the electric fence itself to ensure that it has been fitted correctly and that there are no objects touching or leaning on the wire. Plants can grown around the wire but if too much contact is taking place then this will prohibit the correct voltage coming through. In these situations you will need to turn off the fence and clean up around the whole area to make sure you found the problem and destroyed it. It is also possible for rust to collect on the wire, once again turn off the fence before attending to the wire, in these situations you can give it a clean and this might help but in other cases contacting a proffesional to check the quality of the wire may be needed.
The other place to check whe trying to find the fault in your fence is the power supply, if the electric fence is powered by the mains then maike sure there are no defects with the cable. If you have a battery powered electric fence then there are other more difficult solutions to problems. One of the best thing to do if you want to check if it is the power supply, make sure the battery is fully charged then unplug it, check the reading on the voltmeter, The energizer requires a certain level of volts depending on what it operates at. The last thing that must be checked in these situations is if the fence is earthed properly,
For more information about eletric fencing or if you want to contact a proffesional in your area visit our Homeimprovment page.