DIY Roof Repair vs. Hiring a Roofing Specialist

DIY Roofing Repairs and Its Associated Risks:
We all enjoy DIY projects. We bask in the satisfaction that comes from fixing things around the house. Under normal circumstances, DIY projects can even save us a few cents.
However, it is imperative that you think twice before taking on a DIY roofing project.
Unless you are a Pro Roofing Contractor, you most probably don’t have the equipment or the knowledge you need for the job. You may end up causing more damage to your roof and putting your family at risk. (Roofing material is heavy).
Your DIY may not meet your expectations. In a recent survey of more than 3000 homeowners, more than 70% found that their project turned out to be more challenging and time consuming than their initial expectation. Some even caused more damage to their homes while busy with their DIY Project. Some even suffered injuries thus; we can conclude that DIY projects could end up costing us more.
To a certain extent, roofing is similar to gardening. Those who have not tried might think that its quite simple. The first time they bring home a plant, they find they need to do more than put it next to a window to help it grow more easily.
The same can be said about roofing. Pro roofers use equipment, training and experience that makes the job look easy.
Reasons To Hire a Pro:
Pros are Formally Trained and have years of experience.
Roofs are complex systems and it consists of multilayers of different components. All of these pieces work and need to connect properly to direct water off the roof instead of into the home. Pros are trained to understand roof systems in order to install them correctly.
Liability and Insurance
Many homeowners discover to their dismay that they have forfeited their insurance coverage simply because of a DIY project gone wrong. Insurance companies regard this as negligence on the part of the homeowner and simply rejects such claims. Reputable roofers will know what to do and will even come back to fix any leak that may have been overlooked during the execution of previous repair work.
When you hire a pro:
You may be covered by two types of warranties namely, the manufacturer’s warranty on the materials and liability cover by the roofers insurance. Manufacturers require correct installation of their products according to building industry standards. DIY projects may jeopardise your chances of any successful claim against any party. Pros are best positioned to properly comply with these requirements.
DIY Roofing may Reduce The value of your House:
It can cost you more than what you initially budgeted.
A thorough inspection by any valuator will pick up the mistakes and that will adversely effect the value of your home.
You may even underestimate how long it will take to fix your roof and you run the risk of exposing you woodwork to the elements longer, thus compromising your timber quality.
Unauthorised access to your roof is dangerous. You might fall from the roof, damage your roof tiles etc.