- 944, Vaalwater, Limpopo Province
- Services Lephalale / Ellisras and 20 other suburbs
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- Awards: #4 Most Popular in Waterberg / Bosveld for 2024
Roofing Specialists - Lephalale / Ellisras (0555)
Waterberg / Bosveld, Limpopo Province
Best match results for roofing specialists in Lephalale / Ellisras + 5km.
2021 Home improvement Awards Winners" Not to mention all )We are everything you need to get the job done...!!! (Clielee construction)..Clielee construction is an all in one construction company that works within your budget. Clielee was found in 2016 by two brothers Lee and Clayton. Since then we have been recommended by many on our website, Kandua Pro platform, Facebook page and many more. Our Construction has grown bigger and bigger and we are getting leads on various social platforms e.g Kandua... Read more
FIDDLER Roofing Products is a supplier of FIDDLER Thatch Roof Tiles for thatch lapas or thatched roof houses. Our Fiddler thatch tiles have a 20year warranty. We deliver in Gauteng and all other provinces. The Fiddler thatch tile is perfect for thatch roof renovation and thatch roof replacement. Our workmanship comes with a 5year guarantee. Read more
We build thatch roof and lapas, we also do repairing, mesh wire installation, brushing, patching, overthatching, rethatching, installation of new thatch roofs and lapas. We also do the applications of retardant chemicals on thatch roofs and lapas to minimize the dismantling of thatch grass. Thatching Thatch Roofs Installation Lapa Installation Thatch and Lapa Repairs Building Roofing grass Read more
- 4721 Hendrik Pistorius Street, LEPHALALE, Lephalale / Ellisras 555, Limpopo Province
- 2-5 km from Lephalale / Ellisras