5 Things You Need to Know About Tile Roof Repair

Roof Repairs a daunting task
Repair Is Cheaper
If the damage is minor, a repair will cost significantly less than a replacement. If a contractor tells you that you need a roof replacement but your roof is not leaking a lot and looks relatively good then you know they are just trying their luck!
Roof Tiling Is A Skilled Trade
As much as people like to think they can repair or replace damaged tiles and ridges themselves, we wouldn’t recommend it as a DIY project. You could do more damage than good if you attempt it yourself.
It May Not Be Your Tiles
If you think you need a tile roof repair because you have a leak, it may not be the tiles at all but rather your roof ridge. Often roof ridges are improperly waterproofed as residents do not actually know what to look for or that they even need to be waterproofed.
Waterproofing Products
Most waterproofing products available to your 'Average Joe' through hardware and DIY stores are of poor quality and aren’t designed to provide long-term solutions for you, the client. Generally, DIY products are a ‘cash cow’ and have to be ‘maintained’ annually. This should not be the case, which brings up to our next point...
Ask For A Guarantee
A tile roof repair done correctly should be issued a guarantee for no leakages of at least 1 year. If the contractor is not comfortable with issuing guarantees, we recommend you find someone who is.
We hope this will help you the next time you need a roof repair!