Gutter Cleaning Tips

Gutter Cleaning
Having a clean gutter provides your house with safety and efficiency, Often, inadequate storm drainage leads to extensive, expensive damage in the form of leaks and flooding or such related issues as mold growth and pest infestations.
There are a few easy tricks that you can do to clean your gutter, the first would be to try use a leaf blower, if you are able to get your hands on a leaf blower then the trick is to extend the reach of the blower well beyond its usual length, these are easy to find at your local home center, The next is to get a long wooden stick with a handle and sturdy steel lines. This will give you the ability to reach as far as possible without having to bend or stretch to an uncomfortable degree. Sometims it is a good idea to have plastic on the floor below the gutter so the gunk inside does not ruin your gardens aesthetic.
A hose is another good too to use in these situations, to make this job work properly you will need a specific hose nossle, long hose wand with an angled, down-pointing spray nozzle. Please also make sure when you are doing this that you take the proper precautions, these are along the lines of rubber based shoes for better grip on the ladder, try always have someone helping you when you are on the ladder. Wear rubber gloves so you do not cut your hands and something to protect your eyes if you are using a leaf blower
For expert advice or if you would like someone to do some gutter cleaning for you, look for a proffesional in your area on our page.