Plumbers in Frances Baard / Diamandveld

Northern Cape

Best match results for plumbers in Frances Baard / Diamandveld + 30km.

    Plumbing & Construction (PIRB + NHBRC Registered) * Qualified Plumber * Maintenance * Blocked Drains * Geyser's * Burst Pipes * Renovation Read more

    We do all repairs, maintenance and renovations in and around your house with affordable prices. Read more

    All plumbing, Solar geysers, heat pump water heaters, jacuzzi, toilets, basins, baths, showers, pressure boosting pumps, main water line, drain installation, septic tank and frenchdrain, washing machine, dishwasher, plumbing certificate of compliance, complete bathroom revamps, ceiling and partition, kitchen units & BIC's, laminated floors, tiling. ETC. All areas || All provinces All work done by qualified, PIRB registered and licensed plumber, Solar geysers and heat pump water heaters by... Read more

    Plumber in Kimberley. Number 1 in the number 2 business. We deliver the most reliable and best quality service in Kimberley. If we can't solve your water problem, then we are not striving to be the best. Read more

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