Pre-construction Pest Control Specialists - City Bowl Cape Town

Cape Town Metropolitan, Western Cape

Best match results for pre-construction pest control specialists in City Bowl Cape Town + 5km.

    Our company was founded to improve the fumigation services that were being offered in the market and solve the problem of overpricing and under delivering. Fast, safe, effective and affordable fumigation service is what you would be looking for if you have a pest problem. Our company has been delivering quality and affordable services for the last 20 years in addition to hard work, dedication and professionalism. We deal with a wide range of clients from residential to commercial sectors including... Read more

    Pest Control Pre-construction Pest Control

    woodwork,renovation,building,gaderning services, Read more

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    PEST CONTROL Cockroaches/ants/bedbugs/rats/mice/ lice/ Bait station Fly units Monitoring units HYGIENE Hand dryers units Soap dispensers Airfreshner units Sanitary units BIRD CONTROL Read more

    Pest Control Pre-construction Pest Control

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