Construction Inspection

Inspection requirements of a new build
1. Prior to installation of precast concrete slabs in a double storey house/duplex units, the contractor's quality inspector must ensure that 6mm bars are installed in last two course of first floor superstructure brick walls in order to increase the strength of the load bearing walls to sustain load. Reference, SANS10400 BUILDING REGULATIONS SOUTH AFRICA.
2. All housing consumer and registered NHBRC contractors must ensure that new homes are enrolled with NHBRC at least 15 days prior to commencement of building as to avoid unnecessary delays and fines, or 1 year jail time by NHBRC
3. All building foundations should be compacted to engineer's MODASHTOO spec and fumigated by qualified pest controller as to avoid any foundations/ structural defects in future.
4. Above all building openings(windows, doors, ARCH) and Foundation, brick force each and every brickwork courses to avoid any future cracking or structural defects. Reference SANS10400 Building regulations SA
5. All building plumbing first fix copper piper should undergo pressure test of atleast 300kpa/3bar to avoid any leakage after final finishes or completion