Wallpaper Cleaning

Do I need to clean my Wallpaper
Having wallpaper in your house can be the best decision you ever made but it is very important to keep it clean so that it is durable and looks its best.aIt is vital to check what type of fabric the wallpaper is, this is important so that you can check what is best for that fabric.Vinyl coated wallpaper is fairly resistant to grease and water stains and is fairly easier to clean.As we all know, paper is damaged by moisture. Paper wallpaper will develop a true water stain
Cleaning instructions, including durability and stain-resistance are included on every roll of wall covering and should read and followed. If you are cleaning using water you must finish one section at a time, cleaning and drying each area when this is done thne you will move to the next section. Washable wallpaper can be washed infrequently with a cleaning solution of warm water and soap, many home improvement stores carry wallpaper cleaners.
When using simple paper wallpaper one of the best ways to keep it clean is to simply vacuum it, a small soft brush attachment is needed it is best to start from the top and work your way down