- Kagiso Nare street ext 4, Kagiso 1754, Gauteng
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Cement Render Specialists in Tshwane / Pretoria
Best match results for cement render specialists in Tshwane / Pretoria + 5km.
Best match results for cement render specialists in Tshwane / Pretoria + 5km.
I recently opened my company Concept Crafters Projects (2019/052949/07) and looking to grow in the construction sector as I have been in this sector for a long time. I entered the field in 2007, at the age of 20. I have learned a lot during the years and have worked for big companies such as Elevation 4 (E4) which is where l gained the most experience and knowledge from. Such as Painting, Dry walling, Partition, Suspended ceiling, Plaster celling, Rhino lite, Tiling and Plumbing. My company does... Read more
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