Acrylic render: a beginner’s guide

Acrylic render: a beginner’s guide
The use of acrylic in the mixture allows for a strengthened and more flexible result that is less likely than other render mixes to warp or crack. Applying acrylic render is a simple and easy task that can be completed with spraying, trowelling or rolling techniques in multiple different colours.
One of the most prominent advantages of acrylic rendering are that homeowners need not be concerned about cracks forming in the rendering due to natural, temperature-related expansions and contractions in the home. In addition to this, acrylic rendering is an extremely versatile and attractive construction implement as different textures are available, such as smooth, glass-like textures or rough cement-like textures. In addition to this, applying acrylic render is a quick process as application and drying can be completed in just a few days in contrast to traditional rendering mixes, which can take up to a month to be completely installed.
Finally, acrylic render allows for a healthier home overall. The reasons for this are that the acrylic allows ‘breathing’ for the materials underneath to get rid of excess moisture and acrylic rendering is also resistant to water. Due to such effective removal of excess moisture, acrylic rendering allows for a dryer home that is less prone to bacteria and fungi, which is beneficial for all family members, especially those who are allergy-prone.
For general cleaning of acrylic render, mildly soapy water can be used to clean away unwanted dirt with a soft brush. Light power washing is another option for safe and effective cleaning, however, harsher cleaning methods, such as the use of brick cleaner or acid-based washes, should be avoided as it could damage the acrylic.