Artificial Grass - Vanderbijlpark/Emfuleni

Sedibeng / Vereeniging, Gauteng

Best match results for artificial grass in Vanderbijlpark/Emfuleni + 30km.

    Mountstein projects focuses on both the needs and the wants of the client.These needs and wants form the basis of our integrated comprehensive services. our range of services includes: >Sport Courts Construction . >Brick paving and maintenance >Artificial turf and maintenance >Tar/asphalt surfacing and resurfacing Wetpour rubber surfacing sporting facilities and kids play area. Wetpour rubber surfacing is used for running tracks surface, children playground and gym areas.... Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Vanderbijlpark/Emfuleni

    We are the seller, importer, supplier and installer of artificial grass. We keep stock a good range and quality of artificial grasses. We have four types of artificial grasses : First one is used for events, functions, decoration and funeral. In this type we have : 10mm (not strong), 15mm Second one is medium quality, It is best for events but can be used for permanent installation but not recommended because it is not strong enough. In this type we have : 10mm (strong), Green, Red,... Read more

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