
Getting Your Grass Summer-Ready
Picture it. A bright summer sun and sky over green lawns and the sound of Christmas beetles and birds. That heavenly summer feeling and the smell of freshly cut grass.
Preparing your lawn for the summer season may sound like a tiresome chore, but when you think about it like this, how could it not be worth it? Making sure you have healthy lawn in summer just takes a bit of preparation during spring, so we’ve broken down your summer lawn preparation into 5 easy steps to do before the summer season to get your grass ready for those long, sunny days:
Step 1: Firstly, you need to aerate the lawn to help promote the formation of a healthy root system. This is mainly done to avoid soil compaction and involves puncturing the soil with small holes that allow water, nutrients and air to filter down to the roots of the grass. A stronger and more luscious lawn is the result- and it is well worth it.
Step 2: Removing thatch is the 2nd step to our summer-grass goals and involves raking the lawn to remove decaying plant matter that accumulates amongst healthy grass. This is important as thatch blocks the sun’s rays from reaching younger shoots of grass and can also impede the filtration of water through to the roots. This process of removing thatch is most effective when done in conjunction with aeration.
Step 3: Step 3 is all about fertilisation. Choosing the right fertilizer for your variety of grass is vital to ensure it gets the nutrients it needs. Speak to an expert at your local nursery to make sure you’re using the right variation- and remember- the more you fertilize, the more you’ll have to mow!
Step 4: The 4th Step focuses on watering your lawn, which is not as simple as dousing it with a hosepipe every now and then. Watering at the right time and with the right amount of water makes all the difference. You should water with a focus on reaching the roots of your grass and allow for a deep watering of 2.5cm of water once a week during your turf’s growing phase. Infrequent but deep watering like this is the most effective method and is best done in the early morning or at night to avoid reabsorption by the sun.
Step 5: Step 5 and your grass is nearly summer-ready! Mowing is the final stage and should be done regularly and in a new pattern each time to prevent furrows developing on your lawn. Grass should never be cut to less than one-third of its length and mower blades must be kept sharp to ensure a clean-cut appearance. Frequent mowing in spring is important because it strengthens the roots of your grass and makes the plant sturdier. When summer comes, you can more fully enjoy the thickness and healthiness of your grass by raising the cutting height of your lawnmower and, in turn, allowing for more shade and moisture rention for the soil to endure those hot summer days.