Garden Pots and Plants

Garden Pots and Plants.
There is no question that plants in your garden are a pivotal way of expressing yourself and bringing an element of life into your home. Not all homeowners have the luxury of an entire garden to fill, but this shouldn’t be considered a downfall to your home. Introducing pots and container gardening into your home gives you the freedom to create a haven of greenery and flowers that could exceed any gardening done in a home with space and land. It all depends on how you choose to design and maintain your pots and plants. If done cleverly and with though and direction, container planting can be extremely beautiful.
Choosing the Right Pot.
Your plants are going to be grown and placed in these pots, so choosing the right style and material is vital. Firstly, you should consider the style of your home. For example, if your home is clean cut and classic, it would be a good idea to opt for traditional urns to accompany your patio or outside area. If your flowers and plants are going to be the main focus, opt for a pot or container that is a muted, neutral colour. The same can be done vice versa – a vibrant pot can be an amazing piece to have and will brighten up your area. Also keep in mind that groups of uneven pots have a far more pleasing effect than even groups. In terms of practicality, one should always pay attention to the material being used. If you are placing your pots on delicate areas such as patios, roofs or shelves, consider using a material such as metal. Measurements are also important to remember. If you are considering an array of plants, your pot should be at least 30 centimeters wide. If you are planting plants that bloom all year round, consider a pot that is at least 20 centimeters in depth for adequate soil depth. Pots require waterholes, so remember to keep in mind where your pots are going to be placed. Should they be placed on wood surfaces, remember to cover the holes with things like pottery shards or stones to prevent wood rotting.
Assembling your Plants:
You may already consider yourself an expert in the gardening department, but a little guidance never hurt anybody! For your plants to look the best in their pots, there are a few rules of thumb to stick by.
- Don’t go for just one type of flower or plant. This technique is boring and will add very little to your home in terms of aesthetic.
- Consider how the plants will work together through out the year. Having plants that change colour during autumn and others that bloom during the summer can be an interesting way to make sure your pot plants look exciting and vivid all year round.
- Always include a vertical element to your pot. This element could come in the form of an interesting flower or vine, and will lift the appearance of the pot and draw the eye upwards.
- Try and incorporate three different elements in your pot: a plant that has large, interesting leaves or flowers, a whimsical creeper or vine, and a tall grass element. These three together will create depth and variety in your pot.
- Try and choose plants that have room to grow. Unless you need your pots to look filled and blooming instantly, it is better to choose baby plants that will bloom and fill out the pot in their own time.
However you choose to decorate your living area with pots and plants, get ready to get your hands dirty. Gardening is a wonderful project that lets your get in touch with nature and experience it hands on. For more articles on home improvement, please visit our homepage.