Plumbers in Bloemfontein

Mangaung, Free State

Best match results for plumbers in Bloemfontein + 5km.

    Your all - in - one home maintenance professionals. * Plumbing: leaking taps, toilets, geysers, showers. Burst pipes an geysers. Jo-Jo tanks and pumps, all water problems. * Electrical: lights, plugs, stoves, ect.aswell as new installations and pre-paid meters. * Roofs: leaking and broken roofs and trustees, replacing roof tiles, rubberised of roofs and gutters, ect. * Painting: cracks, damp problems, painting inside and outside aswell as roofs and fencing. * Steel work: carports, fences, gates,... Read more

    Kitchen renovations and improvements Plumbers

    WE at Handyman & Construction Services( H and C Services) in Bloemfontein are in operations from the 90's to deliver fast and friendly services to our customers in Bloemfontein and the surrounding areas for their needs of renovation, handyman and construction needs H&C HANDYMAN & CONSTUCTION SERVICES Alle Bouwerk Reperasies Handyman werk Verf Swembaddens Loodgieter Elektries Vir vinnige en vriendlike diens SKAKEL/WhatsApp Alle werk word gewaarborg [We are located in Bloemfontein] ONE... Read more

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