- 5 sunset avenue chatsworth/ 8 Manchester avenue boksburg, Durban CBD 4001, KwaZulu-Natal
- 2-5 km from Klaarwater
- Business can travel to you
- Overall rating: 5.0
- Awards: #22 Most Popular in eThekweni / Durban for 2023
Kitchen Flooring & Resurfacing Specialists - Klaarwater (4142)
eThekweni / Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Best match results for kitchen flooring & resurfacing specialists in Klaarwater + 5km.
Free air fryer or bic
Our promotional item is a free Bennet read oven air fryer to the value of R2799 with every fully fitted kitchen purchased by us!
Other related businesses in and around Klaarwater (within 20km)
- 14 Cassiafield Park, Berea Central 4001, KwaZulu-Natal
- 10-20 km from Klaarwater
Inovar floor Durban is a leading installer and distributor of decorative laminate flooring, luxury vinyl tiles and solid engineered wooden flooring. As a leading flooring provider for both commercial and residential flooring solutions. Inovar floor only distributes the best quality, premium flooring brands available. In the latest trending patterns and designs with the use of innovative and modern technology we offer the most water resistant laminate flooring made from sustainable hardwood fibers.... Read more