Structural Engineers - Sandton
City of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Best match results for structural engineers in Sandton + 5km.
Building a new residential or commercial property? Buying a new residential or commercial property? Planning to do a Renovation on your property? Upgrading your property to a modern new look? Need a Structural Condition Assessment done by a competent Structural Engineer for your property? Do you need plans done for your new building or extension project? Do you need to update your plans for an existing property? BUILDMAN Engineering is the right partner for you. With a highly skilled professional... Read more
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Delusch has many years of engineering and construction experience including specialised skills in structural steel and concrete, which makes us well qualified in providing a large base of technical and project development expertise. Delusch offers the following services: Certification of existing structures Roof certification Institutional Buildings Industrial, Commercial & Residential... Read more
NL GROUP is a South African multi-desciplinary Construction Company 100% black youth owned and 50% woman-owned. We provide a comprehesive range of construction products and services within the construction industry. We undertake commercial, Retail, residential, schools, hospitals, clinics, roads, reservoir and industrial building contracts, alterations, and Renovations, landscaping projects and building material supplies Read more