Should you add on or just move on?
In fact to get the maximum benefit out of any alterations you make, you need to be fairly sure that they will make it possible and comfortable for you and your family to stay on in your home for at least the next few years.
Read moreHow to choose an Architect in South Africa
Ensure that your chosen Architect keeps you informed as the design process unfolds/progresses and that he or she adheres to the proposed project deliverables or design milestones/timelines.
Read moreThe Role of a project manager
The project manager will be responsible for general liason between the field and the architect and owne
Read moreBuilding Project Managers
Generally, you will need to speak with a building project manager if you plan to build, extend or renovate your property. Project managers can be architects, interior designers, surveyors, engineers, or project consultants, amongst others. Essentially, the job of a building project manager is to give advice or to undertake tasks that are in relation to the building industry.
A common risk is the construction/ addition of unauthorized building structures which may add to the structural burden
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