Land Surveyors in Mpumalanga

Best match results for land surveyors in Mpumalanga.

    NL GROUP is a South African multi-desciplinary Construction Company 100% black youth owned and 50% woman-owned. We provide a comprehesive range of construction products and services within the construction industry. We undertake commercial, Retail, residential, schools, hospitals, clinics, roads, reservoir and industrial building contracts, alterations, and Renovations, landscaping projects and building material supplies Read more

    Land Surveying, Topographic Surveys, Land Subdivision, Land Consolidation, Building Setting Out, Boundary Verification, Prospecting Rights plan, Mining Rights plan and Exploration Rights plan, GIS Services. Read more

    Land surveying company specializing in providing high accurate surveys in: * Cadastral/ Title Surveying, including; Township establishment, Subdivisional surveys, Consolidation surveys, Servitude surveys, Relocation of property beacons and Closure of public places. * Engineering Surveying, including; Topographic/ Detailed, Setting-Out, As-built, Monitoring and Construction surveys. * UAV Drone Mapping, including; Topographic surveys, 3D models, Geo-referenced imagery and volumetric measurements. *... Read more

    Professional land surveyor, sectional title practitioner & civil commercial mediator. Cadastral Surveying Services include: ◾ Relocation of Beacons and Boundaries ◾ New Township & Cluster Development ◾ Subdivision of properties: Townships & Farms ◾ Consolidation of properties ◾ Servitudes & Leaseholds ◾ Property Ownership & Property Rights investigations ◾ Housing Development ◾ Land Surveyor-, Identification- & Beacon Certificates ◾ Consulting & Legal Investigations Topographical... Read more

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