Gate Repair and Maintenance Specialists - Sedibeng / Vereeniging


Best match results for gate repair and maintenance specialists in Sedibeng / Vereeniging + 30km.

    We offer our clients a comprehensive roofing solution. Our services include roof installations, roof repairs, roof maintenance and painting. From new roofs to existing roof alterations. Gate Motor/Garage Door Motor installation and repairs & Maintenance. Air conditioning new installation, repairs, regassing. We also assist clients with roof inspections. We have a highly experienced team who strive to produce quality installations every time. The business is owner managed and client... Read more

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    Specialising in Painting&Decor,Skylights Repairs,Waterproofing,Pavement installation,Plumbing Roofing, Tiling,Ceiling, Dry Walling, Door Hanging, Kitchen Cupboards,Blinds, Shelving, Cornices, Building Work, welding,Handyman services,Granite Installation,Gate motor,CCTV installation,Renovations ,Tar resurfacing , Roads markings etc. We work with client best Budgets The condition of your property is paramount in every way. Whether you are preparing for a sale, rental or continued use, it is important... Read more

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