Timber, Wood & Bamboo Fencing in Tshwane / Pretoria


Best match results for timber, wood & bamboo fencing in Tshwane / Pretoria + 5km.

    Available for all timber projects ranging from wood flooring, decking and any other construction such as timber cladding and timber engineering design. All our floors and decks have an engineered design to ensure safety and reliability We are the home of Mr Sandless - the NO SANDING solution for making your wood floors beautiful again. Also importers of the unique Buzon height adjusting, slope correcting pedestal as well as FG sanding equipment We specialise in all timber floor restoration... Read more

    Fences & Gates Timber, Wood & Bamboo Fencing

    Timber Decking, Flooring, Pergolas, Fencing, Cladding, Balustrades, Screens, Roofing & Maintenace Read more

    Fences & Gates Timber, Wood & Bamboo Fencing

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