Bamboo Flooring

Fascinating Facts about Bamboo
Bamboo has existed on the planet for almost 30 million years. Its plants are the biggest members of the grass family, the largest of which can reach 1300 feet in height.
There are over 1550 species of bamboo on earth and which are found in Australia, Asia, North and South America and Southern Africa. They are also able to survive in diverse climates from cold mountainous regions to warm tropical regions.
The most favorable climate for growing bamboo can be found in the Anji County in China where the soil conditions are perfect for this wonderful plant. It is known as the “Town of Bamboo” and some of the most valuable bamboo poles come from there. Bamboo is a symbol of uprightness, durability, strength, resilience, and flexibility in China and a symbol of friendship in India.
Bamboo and the ecosystem
Some species can grow 90cm in 24 hours at an astounding 4cm per hour, making it a highly renewable resource. Bamboo is great for the environment as it releases more than 30% oxygen and absorbs more carbon dioxide than many other plants. No fertilizer is required in growing bamboo as the fallen leaves provide all the nutrients the plant needs. Bamboo holds the soil firm and stable with its wide root system, preventing ground erosion. Bamboo is also a vital resource for many animals. Bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves are the major food resource for the giant panda in China as the as the red panda of Nepal as well as the bamboo lemurs(gentle lemurs) of Madagascar.
Bamboo and your body
It has been used throughout the ages as folk medicine in treating infections and the healing of wounds. Bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial and prevents over 70% of pathogens and bacteria that attempt to grow on it. Another benefit is that the plants also help to remove toxins and metals from soil and water.
Bamboo architecture
Bamboo has a high strength-to-weight ratio and a higher compressive strength than wood, brick, or concrete and a tensile strength close to steel. It is a natural composite material and its high strength-to-weight ratio makes it perfect for structures and is widely used in construction projects across Asia.
Bamboo buildings are extremely earthquake proof as it moves back and forth during an earthquake with almost no damage to the bamboo.
Over one billion people live in bamboo homes across the planet and this number will continue to increase in the coming years as more people choose the build eco-friendly homes.
Bamboo in the home
Bamboo is such a versatile product that it is used to make a huge variety of products from sheets, linens, shirts and socks. Bamboo clothing also has amazing insulation properties that make it ideal for sustaining body temperatures, be it cold or hot.
Bamboo as a flooring option
Bamboo flooring is far more durable and eco-friendly than laminate flooring and does not need to be replaced as often. Solid bamboo flooring is more water resistant and adaptable than most hardwood products and recent technologies improvements have increased adaptability through engineered bamboo flooring. It is an excellent replacement material for hardwood floors, decking, furniture, clothing and has even recently been used in bike frames.
Bamboo comes in a variety of colors from green, yellow all the way to black. Bamboo flooring options come in a wide range including Natural, Tiger, Carbonised, Flattened, Summer or Winter Beach Bamboo.